It must be no more than 90 pixels wide and 100 pixels high and no more than 6kb in size
Trep, you been hiding in the Religion and trivia forums again?
Sheesh! Hardly see the guy anywhere else! :wink:
My, but you have changed Reyn. New haircut? :-)
Yeah, I figured I needed a "cunning look". :wink:
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 90 pixels, the height no greater than 100 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.
I don't have adobe on my laptop at the moment so I cannot check out all the specs.
Once you get an image on your hard drive, you can upload it, if the specs are right.
What are you trying to upload. Perhaps one of us could scale it for you to download and then upload as your avatar.
You don't need Adobe. Right click on a pic, and go to Properties.
Trep has made you an avvy higher up. Try saving that to your Drive C.
No, that one is not scaled. I will scale so you can try it.
Either one of us can do it for you. Trep, you've been doing it longer than I have. Why don't you make him a quickee?
This is scaled to fit as an avatar
Good job! :wink:
BUT now he can't use it, because you are!
All he has to do is say.... Intrepid, I would like to use that clown avatar. I will gladly remove it from my avatar home and gladly give it to him as a gesture of friendship to a fellow Canadian. :-)
As a matter of fact, I will remove it now. If he chooses to use it, I don't want him to get slammed if he should enter the religious or political forums. don't want to be judged by your avvy when you're trying to make an important point!
I know 'bout right click = properties and all seems OK.
You guys crack me up!!!!!!
We absolve ourselves of any attempt at humour or otherwise funny stuff.
And he can say that with a straight face!
Hey... how did you get a picture of Uncle Mort?