Re: A2K A Microcosm?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I asked this question while on Abuzz and was told I was an idiot, (what a surprise

) but I'll try here.
Do you think A2K is a microcosm of American society? Representative of a cross section of the people? And how about internationally?
Are the Aussie British and other members providing a good cross section of their countries?
No! A2Kers are smarter, funnier, liberaler, and (sigh) older.
Am I gonna call you the I-word just because you asked a dumb question?*
*Does a polar bear sh!it in the snow? idiot!
Wow...tough crowd. I don't agree that A2K is a microcosm of anything. From what I see we are, with a few exceptions, white, European in ancestry and middleclass.
BTW, where's Squinney? I miss her.
I wanna know how everyone determined that their counterparts are white.
I know of many exceptions on this forum and I don't claim any comprehensive knowledge about it.
Maybe we should take a survey.
We are definitely not all white middle class.... but, I bet that would be the vast majority.
there is no white- we are all various shades of brown
I happen to be mostly pink, but I got some sun today.....
Gee, I guess that would make me an average A2K'er!
Craven has a point, none of us, apart from those who meet up, really know the physical aspects of each other.
I do think we are not representative of the world at large as we are at the moment and therefore not a microcosm, these are some of the traits I have noticed however that relate to most of the contributors I have had the good fortune to come across:-
2-sides to every story ( able to see)
W-Wordly wise
Definitely NOT a microcosm. No kids, no one in their eighties or beyond. I remember a couple of surverys that were done. We seem to have a a few tewnty somethings, lot of thirty-somethings, not too many forty somethings, and a lot of fifty and sixty somethings.
We are are relatively articulate, and have opinions on a lot of subjects. I can't speak for those who have joined who don't post, but we are not shy about stating our beliefs and ideas. (I HAVE noticed that there ARE non-posters who visit the site on a more or less regular basis).
As someone else has mentioned, I think that we are predominantly Caucasian, middle class, fairly well educated. Statstically, we are not a particularly religious group, in relation to the average in the U.S., although we do have many members of varying religious faiths, some of whom ARE devoutly religious. The political thought (or those who espouse their thought the most on A2K) tends to be left of center.
I don't know for sure, but I have a sense that at far as the American members , the vast majority are from cities, mostly Boston and New York.
That would correlate with the fact that a large number of us came from Abuzz, which was based in Boston and New York.
I think that this is a qroup that thinks, that questions, that doesn't just "go with the flow" without understanding what is happening.
hiama wrote:
". . . these are some of the traits I have noticed . . . that relate to most of the contributors I have had the good fortune to come across:-
2-sides to every story ( able to see)
W-Wordly wise

Very clever . . . and TRUE!*
*How could we NOT agree to such a flattering description?!!
The posts by Phoenix & Hiama, just a way back, summed it all up about A2K very well.
In the 3 months I've been here I haven't noticed any of the nasty bitterness that is often prevelant in some other sites.
People here are friendly, funny, serious, reflective and with good social manners. I've no complaints about anyone here and what they write. Long may it last.
Thanks Phoenix, an interesting and informative reflective.
Jorge and little k, just telling it like it is
Oh and another thing I like, we are definitely not elitist, as far as I am aware we welcome all comers which is important in my humble opinion.