Lezzles post made me laugh out loud, so I looked up pornograph to see if one really existed. Apparently so, in jolly old England.
I've included a picture and a clip. It also mentioned farm animals, but I figured this might be too much for the a2k imagination.

Despite Flannigan's cutting-edge technology and visionary approach, the anticipated broad appeal did not materialize in London in the face of stiff competition from the capital's brothels, prostitutes and pleasure-boys. However, the Pornograph was amazingly successful in England's nether regions, meeting the conflicting needs of under-serviced men and their over-wrought wives in true Flannigan fashion.
Prototype with notes: Flannigan opted for a barrel before finally sinking extra money into the large brass ear trumpet, known affectionately as "Flannigan's Flower".
In the depths of the English country night, in barns and byres throughout that green and pleasant land, a multitude of sounds were heard. (5) The Pornograph would pa-doink, the men would moan, and the women would wheeze as they powered the device that emancipated them from sexual slavery. (6)