Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:32 pm
So my younger brother (the one who is perpetually broke) e-mailed me saying he would call me later on Monday. He didn't. He sent a second e-mail saying he was too busy opening all of the (junk) mail after Thanksgiving and forgot. So today I get an e-mail from him saying that he has "scheduled me for a call at 5:45 pm on Wednesday."
I composed a pithy response, but didn't send it in the interest of familial harmony.
Here is a place you can deposit things you would like to say if you weren't so damn polite.
Uhoh.... your thread is a little too late for me, I'm afraid. We had a family blow out and everyone, including me, has already got everything off their chests.
How's that shaking out, littlek? Progress?
It's working out. We haven't this kind of catharsis in years. Actually, maybe we've never had a melt down of this calibur. We're all seeing eachother's pet peeves, assumptions, irrational beliefs, etc.
Interesting. Do you think things are likely to be better overall or worse overall once things have calmed down?
What happened, littlek? This sounds interesting.
Good Q, Soz. I think the stuff we're talking about will make us all aware about how we effect one another - so that'll be good long-term. But, we also may have unstitched another bit of the family fabric - bad long-term. I think if we get to counseling like we're talking about that things will be fine. But, I think it's likely that my sister's family will eventually stop spending so much all-out family time with us. Maybe not now, but over the next few years I could see that happening. It'd be sad.
I haven't done whole-family counseling, but I did it with my mom and it effected a huge change. (Very eye-opening for her.)
I'll just sit here patiently until someone fills me in.
Well this is an oddity for me (not one to be considered polite under the best of circumstances). Here goes, it was thanksgiving day and we (the lady Diane and meself) had been invided to some friends of friends for the traditional dinner. The lady of the house is a "gifted" teacher and her husband works with/for the government developing self-education programs for nature trails kinda stuff. We all sat around the kitchen table having a nice glass of wine, smelling the pies and turkey cooking amid general chatter. Of the 10 people there, 7 in one way or another expressed an opinion of not being of religious bent, some agnostic, some atheist, some indifferent. As dinner was served there are 7 people of this non religious attitude and 3 people are definitely religious. As John (the host) was passing the taters to get things rolling one of the religious bent said "we always sing a religious song at dinner" and bust into song of an unusual nasal quality while everyone else just sort of sat there waiting for the noise to abate so that we could carry on the business of stuffing ourselves but no, at the end of the singing came "NOW EVERYONE hold hands while we pray" we now have 7 people sitting at the table staring at each other thinking "this too shall pass". I said nothing but was thinking "how freakin' rude for these 3 people to simply take over with their agenda with complete disregard for the others" They were, or course, allowed to follow their own beliefs without interference but they just had to dominate the rest of us basically because we were too polite to stop them.
You should have sacrificed a goat right then and there, dys.
there was a llama in the field beside the house, I thought about it.
Dys, yuck!
Gus, this is probably not the place to get into it. If you really want me to, I can PM you.
Why do Christians always have to ruin good holidays? Why can't they just stay home and pray?
littlek wrote:
Gus, this is probably not the place to get into it. If you really want me to, I can PM you.
No, I'm sorry if I intruded.
Thanksgiving isn't a Christian holiday. tststs tststs
Gus, I don't mind the intrusion, I just think this particular thread is not meant for the family rant.
Care to expand on that? Or is it private?