Reply Mon 28 Nov, 2005 05:33 pm
My best friend always kept her nightgowns in her Chester drawers. I tried to tell her she was using the wrong words, but she was persuasive. To this day, I still call those pieces of furniture Chester drawers. Got several of 'em now.

Also remember when skateboards first became popular, and everyone wanted to take apart the wheels to get the ball bavarians out. They made cool marbles.
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Reply Mon 28 Nov, 2005 07:28 pm
My mother, Rita, was a very smart woman. Born in 1918, a college degree in English and Journalism at the age of 22. But then the Great Depression and then World War 2 and then getting married and having kids. And any fantasy she may have had, this early believer in feminism and civil rights, of a career disappeared.
Years later. after the kids were grown, she started a retail business. It was totally a sinecure (as I understand the word=something to keep occupied with for no real financial reward).
Anyway, she would order something for someone and it would arrive, or she would be thinking of a customer, and lo and behold, the customer would walk in five minutes later.
Instead of using the word psychic, she would exclaim, "You must be mental."
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:49 am
I often been described as "mental" . . . but i don't think it meant exactly what RJB was referring to . . .
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 08:53 am
Setanta wrote:
I often been described as "mental" . . . but i don't think it meant exactly what RJB was referring to . . .

Hmmm, me too...

My mom and I often know it's the other calling or we will be picking up the phone to call the other when the phone will ring. We say "Wow! We must be psychotic!"
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2005 11:01 am
Physic, Boss, i always think of myself as physic . . .
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