I've missed your smile

Lady J
Reply Sun 20 Nov, 2005 11:37 pm
Good day dear friends, loved ones, old pals....

I've been away for a bit, but always missing you all. Your laughter, your cheer, your kindnesses and your encouragement are something no one should go without for too long! Smile

Believe it or not, I have even missed the tears and the heartaches.

What, you ask, does a muse do that keeps her so busy and away from A2K? Lately, it's been crazy, I say! Iamb still loving newlywed-hood (new word!) and being the mom of a 12 year old. Sir J and I are selling our current home and in the process of having a new home built. One that we will grow old and gray together in, so that's taking a bit of my time.

I also got to see my son when my daughter and I traveled to Fort Knox for a visitors weekend. Damn, I have missed that guy of mine! He will be home for Christmas on two weeks leave and I can hardly wait to see him again!

The contractors for this house will be here all next week, painting and re-carpeting and I have been diligently working to get this place looking in tip top shape both inside and out, so when it hits the market we can sell it in a heartbeat (I hope, I hope!)

That's the good stuff. On the downside (and there always is one it seems), two years ago my mom had breast cancer, fought it and won. Last week they found two lesions, one on her liver and one on her lung. They're doing biopsies next week and based on that, they'll determine a plan of treatment. Needless to say, my folks won't be coming for Christmas this year as we all had hoped. I'm just trying to stay as optimistic as I can for her sake, and mine too I guess and hope her and dad will be here with us next Christmas.

I'll pop in when I can....just wanted you to know that I miss you folks very much and wish you all this:

Wishing you

In your busy life ...

Time for Relaxation

Good Sleep

Good Health and Vitality

Someone to Dance With

.... a Bit of Adventure

Happy Dreams

But Most of All ...

I Wish You Lots of Hugs

And The Comforts of Real Love

And Many Blessings...

May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends that care.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all......
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 636 • Replies: 14
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 07:53 am
You head in the cloud newlyweds put us all to shame with your optimism!

And I know that optimism will really help your mom get through her upcoming ordeal.

It's nice to see you again, Lady J and I hope you have a great holiday.
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Lady J
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 10:25 am
Thank you Boomer. It's wonderful to see you as well. Smile
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 02:22 pm
Lady J http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/heavens_just_a_kiss_away/hug.gif

We have missed you dearly, also. It sounds like you have had a busy, busy time. I can relate to the "moving" bit ....as I have just moved, also. Is still unpacking and getting used to things, but I love it! Much longer drive for me to get to work, but I am adjusting to that. Not sure how well I'll "adjust" when the snow flys. Very Happy

Your Mother is in my prayers, as are you, as well.

God bless ~ and don't be a stranger!
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 02:32 pm
Remember the frog, Lady J? He greets you...
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 02:51 pm
wow Lady J, you must really be gettin' some.

woooo hooooo!
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Bella Dea
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 03:27 pm
'Course she's gettin' some Chai...they've just been married.


Nice to see you LadyJ!
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 04:18 pm
Lady J is just so gosh-darned SWEET!

Best wishes to you and your mom.
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 05:33 pm
Hold your dominion.
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Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2005 09:45 pm
Newlyweds, huh?

In that case, hold HIS dominion.

Oh, you are?! [size=7]nevermind.......[/size]
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Lady J
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:07 pm
Thank you all so much. And yeppers, newlywedhood does have some really great perks! Oh, yeah!! Smile I wouldn't trade this time around for anything! As one here on A2K once mentioned quite awhile ago, the best definition is Bliss. Smile

As I mentioned my mom in my first post, I did want to let you know that her situation has taken a turn for the worse. Osso mentioned in another thread that I seemed a bit stressed when I described myself as being rather stoic right now and she is one astute lady. The oncologists have determined that my mom's breast cancer from two years ago has indeed metastasized without any symptoms other than her telling the oncologist that she had been feeling drained the past three months. Well heck, she runs circles around anyone 1/4 her age (she's 71)! I would think she has a right to feel drained now and then. But unfortunately, it ended up more than just that. She now has noncurative Stage 4 lung and liver cancer. They started her on aggressive chemo immediately with the hope of a possible remission or at the very least, to buy her a bit more time. How much time, they have no idea. A lot will depend on her receptivity and reaction to the chemo. She is one stubborn little lady and a very determined fighter. She told her oncologist, I don't have time for this crap! I have plans! I have to go and see my daughter in Oklahoma in her new home!" That's my girl. Smile

Honestly, it is her strength that I attempt to emulate, when I feel like losing it. The day Osso referred to regarding my stoicism was a day that I felt particularly shut down. As some of you know, my older sister was killed almost 4 years ago. During that year following her death, I had a total of 15 other relatives or very dear friends that also died. I literally became numb to death and dying, it seemed like such an everyday event in my personal life. It was more than just indifference, it was actually a preservation of mental health mode. My sister once told me that along with all the joys of coming from a large family, there will also be a lot of heartache. I felt tons of heartache during that year but after awhile, I just couldn't let it out anymore.

I am lucky to have a lot of very good friends in my life, but I can honestly say that I have (or had) only three best friends. Those three are (were) my sister, my mom and my daughter. When my mom leaves, I will end up as the "matriarch" of our core family. A role I was never expecting to have and never really wanted. Mom and sis have always done such a damn good job! Being the third born and second daughter, I was allowed to be a bit more whimsical, a bit more of a dreamer, a little less serious, but also very competitive as I strove to be as good as, if not better than, both my older siblings. I wanted to run faster, jump higher, swim longer and leave them in the dust when it came to school. They always rose to meet my challenges and give me a good run, but in time, I beat them both.

I know I'll get through this. 'Thing is, I don't want to have to!

Thanks friends, for letting me vent...whatever would I do without you?
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Lady J
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:08 pm
Francis wrote:
Remember the frog, Lady J? He greets you...


How did you know about the frog?? Smile
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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:16 pm
Thanks for 'splaining, LadyJ. Hugs to you and her, tough days.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:46 pm
<Bookmark, just in case Lady J decides to post some honeymoon photos.>

Welcome back, Lady J.
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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 03:52 pm
Lady J--

Hold your dominion.
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