I feel to be 175 today. Does that count for anything?
Nah, Dag. I've been feeling that way ever since I turned 106.
dagmaraka wrote:I feel to be 175 today. Does that count for anything?
<I better say something
nice or she'll box me>
"You look very young for how you feel!"
Thursday... of course I don't have my NYer yet, but that's ok, I'm not finished the last...
Harriet's photos seem to show her as ablebodied.
I've spent some time in the last five years around friend Sue's box turtles, Spot and Sally. They both have a certain lumbersome affect, but are quicker than lickedysplit when they want to be. Sally, perforce of her cut beak - when Sue got her, someone brought her into her garden center complaining that the turtle wasn't eating. Her upper beak was vastly overgrowing the lower. So... toenail clippers to the rescue. She's eaten happily since - has a certain knowing grin while she looks at you. I project Sally's persona on to Harriet...
How do we know she was 5 when Darwin found her? Maybe she was only 3? And I have suspicions about that exact birthday they chose for her.
I guess you'll have to commune with Darwin on that one. :wink:
NickFun wrote:How do we know she was 5 when Darwin found her? Maybe she was only 3? And I have suspicions about that exact birthday they chose for her.
It says so right on her birth certificate. You're not accusing the Galapagos Chamber of Commerce and the Galapagos Registry of Births of some kind of chicanery, are you, Nick? Whaddaya, some kind'a communist or something?
Many Galapagos turtles used forged birth certificates claiming their ages as older or younger to avoid military service. Those dastardly bastards!
Yes, but not during the Darwin administration.