Hi Prince El. I think I read somewhere (maybe on a trip to India thread you started?) that you were 19 and so I figured you were hoping to hang with a2kers closer to your own age and didn't really want to hear from someone old enough to be your mom.
Some people post on a2k lots... others are gone for long periods. I post mostly in the morning. I have one regular thread called "Mr.Piffka's Quotes" but when I have time, I post all over the place. I like to follow Lord Ellpus and Gustav around. They're very funny.
I think at one time Dlowan and ehBeth and Sozobe had some of the highest number of posts, plus Timberlandko and a few others. As someone said, the people who have responded before me are some very nice folks. You'll be pleased to get to know them, I think. My posts are probably among the 50 highest. I've noticed if you play a lot of the games, then you can quickly get a fairly high count. I used to do that. I also used to create a lot of threads on the poetry forum when a2k first started out. A2k can be addictive and it is a storehouse of interesting stuff.
Anyway, welcome to the forum and if you need any motherly advice from someone who was once as young as you are and probably a lot wilder.... here I am.

You can check out my profile by (is this right?) clicking on my name... or maybe it is the avatar... or somewhere on that little block over there. <nods to the left>