Sun 6 Apr, 2003 11:06 am
"New Delhi, April. 6. India is developing `Agni-III', a long-range surface-to-surface missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and is making all efforts to test fire it this year, according to Defence Minister George Fernandes.
'The test firing of Agni-III is overdue and we feel the need for that long-range missile as part of our policy of deterrence,' he told PTI in an interview."
The Hindu
Great ...not. heard it all before.
I have no problem with India having nukes.
I'm sick of western nations cringing every time another nation gets nukes. The western nations are responsible for making the other nations think they need them.
I agree Craven. I don't like the hypocrisy
I'm used to the hypocracy. I'll never get over the stupidity.
e.g. leaking a contingency plan to use nukes on North Korea is not going to make North Korea think that they need nukes any less.
East/west - don't give a toss - just hate 'em proliferating and hate the arms races - doesn't mean I don't understand why countries feel they need 'em
And India/Pakistan is likely to become a hot war any time - so is North and South korea, the way things are shaping, I guess....sigh.
Everytime India test fires a missile, it brings a virtual avalanche of criticism from the western world. It is almost like "I don't like you to be as powerful as I am, after all you are third world" !!!
We have to take into account two factors here
1. India is a BIG BIG country (barring Russia), India is bigger than the European continent. And is surrounded by several hostile nations, who would gladly see India go down the drain. Pakistan, China even small countries like Bangladesh, which India helped to liberate.
China - Sees India as the major threat in its ambition to become a superpower in SE Asia. Also harbors a grudge against India for recognizing Tibet as a free country, and allowing a government in exile to function from within it's borders.
Pakistan - Well, we all know the story
Bangladesh - Hates India for its size and power. Harbouring Islamic militants
Nepal - Even though it is solely dependant on India for its economy, doesn't stop the various factions in the country to get into anti India bashing mode every now and then.
India has been attacked several times by Pakistan and China - even now, parts of India are occupied by the Chinese and Pakistani forces. No other country has been the target of so many "invasions" in modern times.
2. India indeed harbors the ambition to become a superpower in that region. Don't see anything wrong with that. It is the natural tendency of a country when it has such size and might and resources.
What we also have to take into account that the weapons which India have developed are indeed for what they say. Deterrence. India has never ever been the aggressor.
Gautam - thanks. I never saw India as the agressor. I just hate Nuclear amrs, wish we'd disarm them all....
Pakistan and India's tit-for-tat: