Thu 6 Oct, 2005 02:28 pm
Talk about character obsession-
Quote:Hello, and welcome to my Home page. I've created this site to share a little about myself with friends, both old and new. I must confess at the outset that this certainly qualifies as a "vanity page", and is full of graphics and text about me! Yes, Peter Pan is a character known for vanity, but that is not my main intent! Rather, it is intended to Reach out to other like minded souls, potential new friends, and others who believe in magic and diversity, while having some fun.
I also started this site so that Tinkerbell would have an easier time finding me! :-) So first of all I should say that I live in Tampa Bay, Florida. I'm 51, but I'm making considerable effort and (hopefully as you can see from my photo!) having some success at staying young... maybe even childlike. But "why Peter Pan" you ask? Although Peter pan is definitely a boy, to me this character is perfectly androgynous, and in his eternal childhood rejects the idea of growing up and leaving this behind
I wonder if this is the guy who hit on kicky in the park?
that is what i thought.
it took me about an hour before i could openly LAUGH.. but
oh yeah, slappy turned me on to this site like last week.
it's his home page.
where have you been dudette?
Hey, come back, I got a totally unrelated question....
<drumming fingers>
oh good, you're back.
Where is Setenta?
oh wait..
your serious right?
this DOES kind of look like him -
so i have heard.
No! (god)
Jeez, I'm totally serious.
Maybe I'm just on the wrong threads, but I haven't seen him lately, have you?
not at all in fact.
he was gone.. I dont remember what his reason was...but a few months ago. maybe 2?? he resurfaced from almost a year of not posting.
Setanta is ill, folks, and as ehBeth said will not be back here for some time. I miss him, too.
Is K.C. really in Florida?
I'm really sorry to hear about Setanta. I hope he gets better soon.
In the meantime, when I think of a Peter Pan sort of guy...I think of someone who is still very child-like..even childish... Someone who doesn't really want to grow up. Like Michael Jackson...and some of the men here at A2K (Not mentioning any names though!! Heeeee!)
me me me me
but I'm not like MJ
Me too.I like big fat red hot Mammas.Little lads do nothing for spendy.
I can't believe Disney hasn't sued this guy's green ass.
I miss Setanta too.
You're just mad, GW, because someone else is capitalizing on the color green.
Leave the poor bastard alone. Isn't he suffering enough?