Oh, fiddlesticks!!!
Bush has ruled out going to war in Syria!
Just when you all had me about convinced that he is, in fact, an imperialistic, power-drunk, conqueror!!
Darn him!!
(W h i s p e r s . . .)
(C o u l d
t h a t
b e
t h e
r e a s o n ??)
Monsieur Tartarin, it seems to me that one more military victory would, on the contrary, increase Mr. Bush's chances to be re-elected for four years more.
Madame Steissd: I sink he leesen to his advisor, ze notorious Rove, who nevair make a meestake.
He doesn't kill babies because he wants to, only when he is told to!
It may be that their experts have warned them that public opinion and body-bags would be electorally damaging during another war in the run-up to the next election - unless America suffers another 'convenient' atrocity similar to 9/11 or Bali which can be blamed on Syria.
A not impossible scenario?
steissd wrote:Monsieur Tartarin, it seems to me that one more military victory would, on the contrary, increase Mr. Bush's chances to be re-elected for four years more.
His father would tell him that is a bad assumption.
As the sign in Bill Clinton's campaign headquarters reminded people: "It's the economy, stupid."
You folks know what the economy is -- just look down that well.
Hummm...you'd better get a flashlight.
But in a sense, that is all besides the point.
The real point in all this is that once you start being a bully -- it is an almost impossible habit to break.
In fact, most bullies never break the habit on their own. They get their come uppance.
I agree, Frank. I just hope that Bush gets the comeuppance, not our entire country. That is what has worried me all along.
Visitor, that's the conundrum. You have to admit that it was a brilliant stroke to force their opponents into this situation.
For what it's worth, I won't be rewarding the Bush Posse with my vote.
At 70%, looks like its gotta happen to a large majority of the country!
Me neither, Violet, not a chance. However, rumors have it that the voting machines may take care of our "error" for us!
You have to wonder what side a rumor like that comes from. It could be designed to make one feel hopeless & apathetic.
I dunno, I'd have to say a rumor of that nature would be more likely to have originated among the hopeless and apathetic, looking to evade responsibility for their own shortcomings by attempting to place the onus on the ascendent camp. But then, that's just a possibility. I've never been very impressed by whiners, and that seems to me to be an apt appelation for a large segment of the dissenting crowd.
I rather expect diplomatic and economic pressure will have significant "Reassessment Effect" on Syria, and a few other States of recently pugnacious behavior. I could be wrong ... If I am, I'll have my crow with a little French mustard, served on German taqbleware, and washed down with Russian vodka. Just in case, though, I'll continue to shop for my own groceries.
I would rather be around a few whiners, they can come up with a few constructive ideas from time to time. I rather prefer them over the other sides hopeless and apathetic baby killers who like anything as long as the guns are blazing and the killing and looting is taking place. Then again, we must deal with out own extremes!
Actually the person who told me is someone who is studying the process of developing new methods for voting, electronic mostly. I hope you wouldn't write such a person off as a whiner, Timber.
Timber, I hope you're right about Syria, and there's no need for crow.
It would be considerably more interesting if we see a real move to dipolmacy - who can figure what is up Carl Rove's sleeve. He is the true leader of the nation!
BillW: My NYREview just came in the mail today and I see there's a substantial article on Rove. Haven't read it yet but it looks good... Rove (maybe for this reason he should be named "Rover"!) is utterly fixated on Da Boss, will do anything to help him get ahead. It's interesting to see 1) the White House saying NO Syria; 2) Rumsfeld beating war drums, and 3) Powell (this afternoon) saying there will be no more ATTACKS on other countries nor attempts to IMPOSE democracy (not an exact quote but I'll get it for you if you're interested...)