Re: dlowan
dlowan wrote:BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:What's the matter, dlowan, you jealous because my wabbit is bigger than your wabbit?
My inner wabbit is bigger than any brobdingnagian horror the external world cares to place in my path......heheheheehehehe
Now you've really scared me with your big word, you erudite wabbit.
Word of the Day for Sunday March 30, 2003
Brobdingnagian \brob-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\, adjective:
Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.
The venture capital business has a size problem. A monstrous, staggering, stupefying one. Brobdingnagian even.
--Russ Mitchell, "Too Much Ventured Nothing Gained," Fortune, November 11, 2002
Any savvy dealer . . . will try to talk you up to one of the latest behemoths, which have bloated to such Brobdingnagian dimensions as to have entered the realm of the absurd.
--Jack Hitt, "The Hidden Life of SUVs," Mother Jones, July/August 1999
Brobdingnagian is from Brobdingnag, a country of giants in Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
Synonyms: humongous, immense, mammoth, colossal. Find more at Entry and Pronunciation for Brobdingnagian