Tittilating?.....my A*se!

Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 05:15 am
Wandering through "Seedy Sid's emporium" today, I was on the lookout for a particularly racey film to help occupy my hands during the ever lengthening evenings.

As an admirer of the female form, I had quite a selection to choose from, but decided to purchase a DVD from the "Larger Lady" section, as I believe in getting full value for money.

One caught my eye, entitled "a bigger bang", so I got Sid to wrap it up in a brown paper bag and sped off home at 28mph, despite the slightly slippery road conditions.

Having locked the door, I raced over to the machine, furiously unwrapped the bag, put the disc into the gadget thingy and pressed play on the remote control.

The room was then filled with that dreaded new fangled rock and roll music, which made me jig around the room a bit, despite my state of expectant arousal.

Looking closely at the disc, it appears to be a music CD, by some group of musicians calling themselves The Rolling Stones. Judging by the singers accent, I would say that it is an American group. I DO hate the way that we in the UK are bombarded with this kind of loose morals type of thing by you chaps over the pond.

Why dont you just leave us alone to enjoy the BBC Symphony Orchestra in peace?

One particular track was a bit catchy though, so I can see the band possibly having some success with the young, who still have the energy to dance in a fast manner.

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

You call yourself a Christian
I think that you're a hypocrite
You say you are a patriot
I think that you're a crock of ****

And listen, I love gasoline
I drink it every day
But it's getting very pricey
And who is going to pay

How come you're so wrong
My sweet neo con.... Yeah

It's liberty for all
'Cause democracy's our style
Unless you are against us
Then it's prison without trial

But one thing that is certain
Life is good at Haliburton
If you're really so astute
You should invest at Brown & Root.... Yeah

How come you're so wrong
My sweet neo con
If you turn out right
I'll eat my hat tonight

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....

It's getting very scary
Yes, I'm frightened out of my wits
There's bombers in my bedroom
Yeah and it's giving me the shits

We must have loads more bases
To protect us from our foes
Who needs these foolish friendships
We're going it alone

How come you're so wrong
My sweet neo con
Where's the money gone
In the Pentagon

Yeah ha ha ha
Yeah, well, well

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Neo con

Haven't a clue as to what he is yapping on about, but it had a good rythym to it. I am now going back to the Emporium to purchase what would have been my first choice, had this not caught my eye, namely "Swallowing Amazons".

I shall now have to re-button my fly again, before leaving the house. How inconvenient.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 492 • Replies: 4
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Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 03:18 pm
Not titillating at all, y'r lordship. But the lyrics do have a kind of sneaky way of making one smile. (BTW, I b'lieve the Rolling Stones are what the Aussies call 'Poms.' What that stands for -- or even means -- I have not the slightest notion.)

I do know what you mean about being disappointed in your purchase, however. I myself watch no telly whatever. But recently I was at a friend's place and he -- the friend -- had not only a large TV set but one which receives all possible combinations of cable channels. I selected one identified on the remote control as MTV, thinking that letters might stand for Mighty Titillating Video. I couldn't believe what that channel turned out to be! Have you ever caught a glimpse of it? It is mind-numbing. Is this stuff even legal?
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Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 06:26 pm
Poms = Pompous, no?
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 06:32 pm
Poms= Pomegranate, as we are famous for being full of seed, and very, very juicy.

Misread the new DVD by the way. It turned out to be Swallows AND Amazons. Very educational, but a distinct absence of large women.

Have now purchased The Sopranos, as I am in need of some light, refreshing music to invigorate my mood, and escape from all the violence in the world.
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Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 06:42 pm
i'm rather looking forward to this film, "silence of the lambs", a rather pastoral sounding offering, about sheppards i presume
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