To the last person to respond to my post "FOUL LANGUAGE'.
Quote: This isn't an Atheist Forum but a forum that happens to have atheists. But you already ******* knew that.
And where did I say that this was an ATHEIST forum youngen? What I did say, If you had the brains to be able to comprehend that which you read, is; “Why is this forum, one of the only ones, apart from some atheist forums, where foul language is permitted.”
Quote: Oh to be such a disingenuous pathological liar. And a bloody prude to boot.
You were incorrect when you ‘
THOUGHT’ that I said that this was an Atheist forum, Just as you are 'WRONG' in thinking that I am a disingenuous pathological liar. And a bloody prude to boot.
Perhaps your mate who taught you to swear, just might be able to teach you to comprehend that which you read. Although I very much doubt it, as little children are quick to learn swear words but very slow to learn the more important things in life.