I’ve left them in the desert, on the beach and in the snow
On the mountain tops, the river beds, in fact everywhere I go
Tiny footprints, indentations to mark the pathways that I’ve trod
And yet they vanish from the sight all, except the piercing eyes of God
And he’s always been inside me, since the day I ceased to crawl
He watched me take my first small step, saw me stumble, he saw me fall
Life lets me make me own mistakes, and how many have I made
But thank the Lord I’ve learnt from them, that’s how life's game is played
The life I’ve lived, the guilt, the shame, but I wouldn’t change a dot
Cos it’s made me who I am today, and to me that means a lot
I’ll never be an Einstein, a Rembrandt or Khayyam
But I’ve gained a greater inner peace, and I’m content with who I am
Undoubtedly I’ll fall again, mistakes will knock me off my feet
But they’ll be new encounters mate, past sins I’ll not repeat
For I store the memory of my crimes, like others store their gold
And my treasure house keeps growing as my future life unfolds.... The Anointed.