Mon 2 Dec, 2024 05:49 pm
I am allergic to basically almost every food that isn’t meat or fruits/veggies (even then, some meats too) I am allergic to dairy, wheat, corn, and eggs. But, my symptoms aren’t deadly, just annoying sometimes. However, I recently learned that even with asymptomatic allergies, there is still internal inflammation that affects the body. I also learned that allergies can cause brain inflammation, which can lead to brain damage.
Ever since I was a kid I’ve eaten everything I was allergic to. From 7-8 my mother learned about my allergies and put me on a diet, but I was severely picky (both from just being picky but also coupled with sensory issues that made me dislike many foods even if they didn’t bad to me per se). This caused me to lose a lot of weight, so my mom decided since my allergies weren’t deadly to just let me eat it all.
Now, I’m hooked on sugar and processed foods which are already bad, but I’m also allergic to all of it. And I still struggle with pickiness and texture issues. It’s causing me a lot of anxiety because I’m so scared my lifestyle and consumption of foods I’m allergic to as well as blatantly unhealthy foods has caused permanent brain damage or will. I know the responsible thing to do is basically become a vegan and cut out all my allergies, but it seems very difficult and doesn’t diminish the overwhelming fear that I have towards current brain issues and the possibility of me already having brain damage
So, my question is, is it likely I have brain damage? Do most allergies cause brain inflammation, or brain damage, even if brain inflammation isn’t involved? How should I go about this?
It sounds as though you have allowed Fear and anxiety to affect your behavior. You’re not feeding yourself poison or toxins so you’re highly unlikely to cause anything to happen to your brain, even though you have some sort of allergic reactions. Paranoia is your worst enemy. Your mental health is being affected but not to the point of damage your brain.
What does your doctor say when you ask these questions? You seem to swing to extremes and as such, your emotional wellbeing is at stake due to OCD behavior. Concern about inflammation of your brain is way overblown.
I have OCD, so you're honestly probably right 😭I haven't discussed my allergies with my doctor but I have talked to my anatomy teacher about eating allergies. She says it causes internal inflammation and can tire your body and immune system. I didn't bring up brain inflammation though, and I found that information from Google