hello! I'm a new member on here, I don't know if this is a very thriving community. I prefer using forums compared to reddit because 1. i'm old school and 2. reddit kinda sucks. Anyways, bad intro, but here we go.
I don't know if I'm lesbian or not. I've never been in any relationship. I have cringed at almost every gut out there being interested in me. However, I've had a few guys I've had crushes on. It turns out, I always have crushes on the unavailable guys. The guys that are sweet but not trying to get with me, the older guys, the younger guys (not minor ofc lol), and even (i swear i know i'm weird) i even like a couple gay guys

I feel like I just seek the validation because I am a really shy and insecure girl due to heavy-handed upbringing. Also, I feel like I've suppressed feelings for girls because I cannot possibly be allowed to date a girl (i come from religious family). I don't even know WHO I like anymore, I have no freedom of thought or action.
Does anyone else have a similar experience?