Craven de Kere wrote:
The benefit I see from being forced to withdraw is that the antithesis to Vietnam will be further put off.
I think some of this administration's members think that they need to right the wrongs of Vietnam. Put the bark back into the military and generally increase the military's use.
I disagree. Reagan, put the bark back into the military, and Gulf War 1 righted the wrong, up to the point that politicians got in the way again, and made the pull back. Eight years of Clinton, decimated the military, but after 9/11, funding and support is rebuilding it. The Military is alive and well, and only getting stronger. The pride that was lacking the last few years, is being rebuilt. This war is being fought with the determining factor of an "Unconditional surrender." A big difference from the "Police Action" we were fighting in Viet Nam.
Viet Nam, is a success story (for Viet Nam). Our problem, was that we supported the wrong side, got a lot of our young men killed, and thankfully got our tails, the hell out of there (the ol'e cut bait routine.)
I protested against the war in Viet Nam. I was a Conscientious Objector. We were fighting a "Police Action" supporting a corrupt dictator (Thieu), and waging a war against the people. We were not fighting an oppressive dictator, in Nam, but Ho Chi Minh. He was the man to have overseen the reorganization of Viet Nam after the French pulled out. Eisenhower got us involved, Kennedy committed observers, Johnson escalated the war, and Nixon ran up the body bag count. Thankfully, Nixon realized that he would have to kill, damn near every man, woman, and childÂ… if he expected to ever win this war. We weren't fighting just the North Vietnamese, but the people of Viet Nam.
I have two friends, that are Viet Nam vets, one living over there, and the other traveling back twice a year. They are helping other vets go back, and quite the nightmares that still are haunting countless other vets.
Viet Nam, has put the war behind them, and welcome back these vets with open arms. The stories I hear from these guys, coming back, make me feel really good, deep down inside. I am just glad, that I helped one of them, make it back. In all the years that I have know him, I have never seen him more at peace with himself.
I have noticed, a reoccurring theme of yours, with Viet Nam. Have you visited the country? I would highly recommend it. Just the thought of an American being welcomed into a foreign country is such a novelty, in these trying times.