Sun 15 Sep, 2024 10:16 am
Hello, reader. I am writing on this site to satisfy my curiosity. I want to immediately apologize for the possible illiteracy of the text, I do not know English well and write through a translator. I solved a few paradoxes in my own way and decided to show it at least somewhere. I am writing because I do not know if these logical paradoxes were solved before me, I did not find a solution online. I will be glad to hear your opinion on my thoughts. 1) The peasant's Paradox "if a peasant says that all peasants are liars, he will thereby cause a paradox." In my opinion, people are looking at this task incorrectly. Yes, this task does not explicitly mention the number of peasants, but this is what is meant. This is the solution to the paradox, it is enough to say this: "the peasant, having stated so, lied and his lie was in the thought of ALL peasants, although in fact only SOME peasants are liars." With this solution, everything becomes logical 2) Zeno's dichotomy "Before you walk the path, a person needs to walk half the way, and to walk half the way you need to walk another half the way and so on indefinitely." The problem of the paradox will again become obvious if you ask the simple question "How does a person walk? ". It becomes obvious that a person walks a certain distance, REGARDLESS of whether this distance is half of anything. Dividing by half is just a convention, but if a person always goes some specific distance (which is obviously the case), then sooner or later he will go any way. 3) The paradox of Theseus "how many parts of the ship must be replaced so that it can be rightfully called a new ship? ". The answer here is simple and complicated at the same time: not at all, because Theseus' ship is never such in itself. The "Ship of Theseus" Exists exclusively in the mind of the beholder, so even if nothing changes, it can be called and even realized as something else. Everything is in the eyes of the beholders. That's all, I could write a couple more solutions, but I won't because I'm not sure if these paradoxes have already been solved. If they are solved, then it's nice, and if not, well, I hope I have pleased the reader of this discussion