Should Israel Go Into Gaza to Remove Hamas?

Wed 3 Apr, 2024 04:04 pm
@The Anointed,
Israel uses human shields, too. Must be their complete disregard for the lives of innocent human beings, huh!

You think it's right to throw kids into prison to be abused by adults there, and without charge? Tell me about your sense of justice concerning that depraved policy in Israel.
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Wed 3 Apr, 2024 04:28 pm
@The Anointed,
You do understand that torture is part of Israel's policy, don't you?
The Anointed
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 03:57 am
You do understand that torture is part of Israel's policy, don't you?

You do understand that torture is part of most countries policy, don't you? And what about the Russian military prisons? how many of those inmates had ever been put on trial and how many have been tortured?

Then there is the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which is a United States military prison within the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, As of April 2023, of the 779 people detained there without trial since January 2002 when the military prison first opened after the September 11 attacks, 740 had been transferred elsewhere, 30 remained there, and nine had died while in custody There are also testimonies of abuse and torture of prisoners.

In January 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to keep the detention camp open indefinitely.

In 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden declared his intention to close the facility before he leaves office, though the Biden administration has taken few steps in that direction Instead, the Department of Defence has continued several million dollars of expansions to military commissions and other Guantanamo Bay facilities, including a second courtroom. The Biden administration has released 10 detainees from Guantanamo. As of April 2023, the facility still has 30 detainees.

But It's useless attempting to defend the actions of Israel to the Hamas terrorist supporters, so you must continue to defend those terrorists who, on Oct. 7, swept into Israeli towns and military bases near the border with Gaza, opening fire on people in their homes, on the streets, and at a music festival
The attackers fatally shot the elderly, women and young children, according to survivors; others were burned after attackers set their homes ablaze.

The Anointed
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 05:21 am
Continued from previous post.

Whatever the legal or moral justification for Israel’s bombing strategy, some of its intelligence officers appear now to be questioning the approach set by their commanders. “No one thought about what to do afterward, when the war is over, or how it will be possible to live in Gaza,” one said.

According to the prophecies that came from the Lord, the following is yet to happen.

Zechariah 14: The Lord will gather all the nations together to make war on Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses Looted, and the women raped. Half the people will go into exile, but the rest of them will not be taken away from the city. Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he has fought in times Past. (This has not yet happened)

Perhaps if world opinion forces the Jews to allow the Palestinians from Gaza who are now homeless, to live in Jerusalem, this may occur. Then, other prophecies referring to this time, of the war to end all wars, will be fulfilled.

Numbers 24: 17, "A king, like a bright star, will arise in that Nation. Like a comet he will come from Israel. He will strike the leaders of Moab and beat down all the people of Seth. He will conquer his enemies in Edom and make their land his property. While Israel continues victorious. The Nation of Israel will trample them down and wipe out the last survivors." Zechariah 12: 10; "They will look upon me and see the one who they pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only child etc."

Isaiah 63: 1-6, "Who is this coming from the city of Bozrah in Edom? Who is this so splendidly dressed in red, marching along in power and strength?" It is the Lord, powerful to save, coming to announce his victory. "Why is his clothing so red, like that of a man who tramples grapes to make wine?" . . . . .

The Lord answers, "I have trampled the nations like grapes, and no one came to help me. I trampled them in my anger, and their blood has stained all my clothing. I DECIDED THAT THE TIME TO SAVE MY PEOPLE HAD COME; it was time to punish their enemies.

I was amazed when I looked and saw that there was no one to help me. But my anger made me strong, and I won the victory myself. In my anger I trampled whole nations and shattered them, I poured out their life’s blood on the earth."

See Zechariah 14. The Lord will come to fight for his people Israel as he has fought in times past, and he will fight the enemies of Israel; those Nations who surround Jerusalem in their attempt to drive God's chosen people into the sea.

The African tectonic plate in its northern migration, grinds against the Arabian plate in a line that runs up through the Red Sea and along the Jordon valley beneath the Mount of Olives.

Zechariah 14: 3-4; Then the Lord will go out and fight for his people as he has fought in times past. At that time, he will stand on the Mount of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west by a large valley. Half of the mountain (On the African plate) will move to the northwest, and half of it (On the Arabian plate) will move to the southeast.

Could the violent activity around the earth at this time, be the trigger that will cause the super volcano beneath Yellowstone to erupt, enveloping the planet in a cloud of debris? And that day shall be neither day nor night, but a perpetual twilight.

Zechariah 14: 13; Then the Lord will throw those nations that surround Jerusalem, into a state of total confusion, and the weapons of destruction with which they would destroy Israel, he will cause them to turn upon their own allies and they shall suffer a terrible disease, the soft tissue such as their eyes and tongues will melt in their sockets, and their radiated flesh, cooked to the bone, will slide from their bodies while still standing. Then all the surviving Nations will send their representatives each year to Jerusalem in the land of Israel, to worship and pay tribute to the Lord who will rule the whole world with justice for a thousand years, and woe betide those who refuse to do so.

Then all the godless people of this world, and all those, who in their Synagogues, Mosques, and Cathedrals of stone, who prostate themselves on the floors or who sing and dance with their eyes and hands raised to the heavens in worship of a god they neither know or understand, will bow down and worship THE God of the Bible, the Most High in the creation, ‘The Son of Man’ who evolves from the body of mankind.

Knowing that which is to occur after the one thousand years Sabbath, when heavenly fire incinerates the surface of this planet earth, it is in that thousand years of peace, with the great wealth that will be paid in tribute to the King and High priest, that all our resources will be used to prepare for the ultimate destruction of all physical life forms that remain on this planet.
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 07:08 am
@The Anointed,
You do understand that torture is part of most countries policy, don't you? And what about the Russian military prisons? how many of those inmates had ever been put on trial and how many have been tortured?

This is interesting. When confronted with Israel's practice of torture, their illegal occupation, their policy of throwing kids into prison without charge and abusing them there, their building of illegal settlements, their deliberate starvation of mothers with newborns and sick children--which is all in contravention of International law and everything decent--you pull out comparisons to help nutanhyhoo look not so bad.

One thing alcoholics are notorious for is the use of comparison when assessing their their own condition. You know, like if you tell them that they've got a problem with alcohol because they passed out and threw up in the living room and can't remember doing it, they might point out that someone with a real drinking problem will wake up in a ditch, or in another state! And when they themselves finally wake up in a ditch or in another state, they'll tell you it's not that bad since they know a guy who drinks so much that he's regularly found in the gutter lying in his own vomit all night.

And that's what you're doing. Israel is murdering and starving babies and kids in a shythole. When confronted with the truth, you reach into your playbook and pull out atrocious examples of other war crimes committed by others. I guess you believe that if others have committed war crimes against innocent humans, too, that that somehow means Israel is not conducting a genocide when they obviously are.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 10:25 am
@The Anointed,
Hamas is proscribed terrorist organisation.

Israel claims to be a democracy.

Democracies should be held to higher standards.

33,000+ dead Palestinians, and thousands more unaccounted for.

This is genocide in action.

And the IDF really should be a proscribed organisation because they're not any better than Hamas, in many ways they're a lot worse.

The thing is, I understand why Jewish people would be supportive or uncritical of Israel. I don't have a problem with that at all.

You, however, are something completely different. All you have is your disgusting religion which is all about sheep and goats and nothing at all to do with loving one's neighbour.

You use this perverse dogma to spread hate intolerance and bigotry. Your support of Jewish people is dependent upon them converting to Christianity at the right time, all based on a load of horseshit written thousands of years ago.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 10:28 am
@The Anointed,
You're right, Israel should be subject to the same sanctions as Russia.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Apr, 2024 10:43 am
@The Anointed,
The Bible is a fairy tale. Get over it.
The Anointed
Fri 5 Apr, 2024 07:16 pm
The Bible is a fairy tale. Get over it.

I pray that you remember having said that when the great day of tribulation begins at the close of this the sixth day from when Adam was created, when the war to end all wars will begin and if not for the intervention of the Lord no flesh would survive. It is then that the seventh day begin, the Day of the Lord, the great sabbath of one thousand years.

Jubilees 4: 30; And he (ADAM) lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ’On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason, he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.

Then when you see and yet do not have a clue as to what is happening or to who it is happening and why it is happening, perhaps you might wish that you had studied the words of the Lord which you now say are no more than fairy tales.

I ain’t never got a penny, always broke I must confess
And the few things that I’m forced to own If I lose em, then I guess
I’ve lived without em once before, can live without em once agen
The only things I really need is me solitude, me pad and pen.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not some mug what thinks that he can write
But anytime I calls me own, doesn’t matter, day or night
You’ll find me at me table, sittin here with pen in hand
Scribbling out some flaming rubbish and tryin to understand
How a man can sit here writtin words, and even without tryin
Jot down me thoughts then read em, and find all the lines is rhyming.

For instance, Just an hour ago, I’s sittin here and pondering
When from the north, then from the south, there comes this distant rumbling
And then me mind goes sorta blank and something moves me arm
And I thinks, now should I try and stop it? “Nah it never does no harm.
And words appear as I sit and write, not taking no great notice
Then I reads what’s written here below when me mind comes back in focus.

“To the north of us and to the south, the thunders peeled and the lightening flashed
While up above the sky was clear, not a single cloud hung in the air
The night was still, not a breath of breeze and starlight flickered through the trees
While all around, the wild storm surged, and what did you do? You got the urge
To sit and write this useless poem, when you should prepare for the coming storm.
So when you see the damage done by your apathy and stupor
You might just learn a thing or two that will help you in the future.”

Welll, it gets me mind a thinkin hey? I’m not one who turns his back
On a lesson from me teacher, Nah, me past has taught me that
And I thinks… well yea, there’s many folk, what live in many lands
Where conflicts rage around em, and it’s getting out of hand.
And they builds themselves an island, You know? A little dome of peace
Where they think the storm won’t hit em, like fools, they think they’re safe

But the storm clouds gather closer, then the lightening and the fire
Invade their dome of safety and they’ve got nowhere else to hide
So I makes meself a mental note and thanks the spirit deep within
For his insight and his knowledge and for sharein his wisdom
And I now make preparation for the great storm soon to come
Oh, I know we can’t avoid it, but we’ll come through it, me and mum

You can keep your gold and silver, and all the diamonds in this land
Cos there comes a time in every life, and I don’t give a damn
How much gold or wealth you got, or what position that you’ve gained
They’ll be useless in that time of Stress, better if you’d filled your brain
With the wisdom of the ages, the most precious thing of all
Cos He’s the one what saves you mate, while all around ya, thousands fall. ...By the Anointed.
The Anointed
Fri 5 Apr, 2024 09:36 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

Just as we, while in a state of deep meditation or hypnosis, all have the ability to enter into our innermost being and mentally regress and merge with the mind of an ancestor and to mentally relive the life and times of he/she, who we once were, so too does ‘THE SON OF MAN’ who is not born into this world until the physical body in which He is currently developing has returned to the universal elements from which the body of EVE=Mankind was created, and the umbilical cord which binds him to his mother body is severed.

Many are they who have received a visitation from our Lord who knows all that you have done and will do in his past and yet in our time, is still currently developing within the body of mankind.

Come travel with me on a journey through time
Not in some capsule, but in our minds
To the Inner Most Sanctuary will we descend
To that single cell from which your body began
In the Holy of Holies where all is one
Where all of space and time is joined
We’ll mingle there with other minds
From other lands, in other times
Minds of the past, who seem dead and gone
And minds of the future who are yet unborn
For they in their time, whether here on this world
Or some distant planet to which they’ve been lured
Will enter their inner most sanctuary too
And there perhaps they’ll merge with you
Ah! To travel through space In the wink of an eye
One with your child on some world way on high
And if this is but madness, then madness it be
But come my mad brothers, come fly with me.....The Anointed.

While drinking from God's fountain, that vast and endless sea
I felt a strange senstion as someone else there drank of me. ....The Anointed.
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