Paint us a picture of your experience and where you see yourself in ten or five years. Women move fast in life, men do not. You could always have the same girl at the same age but for women that is not true unless they do not want any children or to have troubles via child labor.
My sister gave birth around 35. Natural birth she had to take pills becuase of the Hernia. Every other baby came out like no problem.
My cousin had hers around 40 or so. Same birth but the baby had bubble out of his mouth and had to be air-lifted to a faculity with the correct tools. All is good now.
My co-worker is younger then my mom around 50 and her son is literally late 20's or early 30's. She is having another kid with her new man.
My sister in the hospital ( recently ) was told "The ripe time is around 15 for a
woman to give birth because the body is most fertile.
Yes women enjoy sex more in later years because of chemical changes but honestly that same 51 year old could be with that 15 year old and look like gold. This is also the reason why you see pugly guys with young wives who are young mothers. Rather then a fit guy with a fat mother ( who is still young ).