Fri 29 Sep, 2023 09:46 am
I get this message and I've never seen it before so I'm wondering why I'm getting it...I can not add this person facebook gives me this message: "It looks like you may not know this person. Send requests to people you know personally to see their updates on Facebook."..if someone could help me out thta would be cool..thanks.
Maybe it's set up that way in their security settings? How often do you add people? once too often and Facebook will block the request.
The person may have declined your friend request and this is a rather polite
response from facebook.
I don't add people that much...its pretty rare...I've asked about the security settings but they say everything is open.
they said not...they've been DMing took over 2-3 weeks for the first DM to finally get thru.
Well if they DM you and they're not on your friends list it goes into a different folder and you have to look for it. As far as you not being to befriend you could just be a Facebook glitch, they have so many!