Wed 2 Aug, 2023 01:16 pm
I don't know if results vary with everyone but there seems to be mixed opinions. Some reports state that it might help relieve itching caused by the mites biting but it doesn't directly affect them. Others however say it might help kill them off or at least evict them because baking soda helps balance pH levels and scabies can't survive in alkaline environments.
Google is your friend. Good luck with your scabies.
It's not real, real expensive. Why not try it, and get back to us.
There is a topical cream for scabbies that is very inexpensive, extremely effective and requires only one application. You should go all in on getting the proven effective treatment instead of messing with this.
Scabie lotions are cheap and inexpensive. There is no need to play around with it, because it is also highly spreadable. If you're embarrassed (and you shouldn't be), go to the next town over.