You are like Squidward from Spongebob only until you have been torchered enough do you wake-up and realize you have to be able to work with people despite your likes and dislikes. All that matters is the work at hand. Squidward is an musician yet he works a very important position. Counting money at the register, collecting orders, and closing and cleaning shop when he can. He is the second brain in command at the "Crusty Crab" and while SpongeBob is the master of flipping patties among other kitchen responsibilities Squid-ward does all the dirty work two times over.
You enjoy your job but have a problem with the rationality
High-school never ends, you do not get molded you sign an agreement in your work contract and break every rule in the book, only then do you actually accept your faith as a OCPion. It is okay to talk sometimes there are radio stations you should care about and others you should ignore.
The ego is basically you in your current-state, AKA the here-and-now. The super-ego is your goals accomplished. Your ID is what you most desire and is up to your ego to achieve.
So basically you went through training for a job meant for a college student and your hitting your 40's. That is what you are saying. I wonder what the pay grade is actually, and if there is any room for upgrade. Truth be told many jobs are just place-holders for people out of high-school, and by that logic your "training" is something that even any seventeen year-old could possible achieve along with upgrade-ability.
Your a listener not a talker. You do not lead, you follow directions. That is what you crave. Somebody to be like a radio-station to you.
You need to cut the "confrontation bs" out of your system and take things as you go along. Your at your job or whatever you are a clean machine. Your ADD has nothing to do with you being a listener/follower rather then a leader or open minded.
To hell with what they think, believe, or feel. They like you are cogs in a machine you need to play your role as with there roles. You do the work first then you can be friends later.
So far is you need to know one thing. "We are the dead" -Winston "1984", our lives are hanging on a thread. Sugar is a substance our bodies mass produce and it makes our bones brittle and shrinks our bodies and lives, along with increase of fats, and it is mass produced in our bodies for energy. You have a goal, like Anders Brevick, or John Henry so STFU and think about the ultimate goal, and stop thinking "Me want respect" because I %100 guarantee that you would be screaming "I need income, I need income" if you was not employed. Imagine if you had this conversation with your stupervisor/brozz or whatever. I %100 know they would say something similar. Your employed, do your job, if your not comfortable while your at your desk and have problems focusing let your co-workers know at the present moment. Your income is more important then making frenzy with the fellow help. Your all rowing this "Ben Hur" boat you think your supervisor whip is going to be soft when they find out your not keeping up the pace. Beyond that you have other ideas of income sources then work towards that.
Stress is a problem you have to face no matter what. You have anxiety issues because you want to be acknowledged by your fellow slaves. What is the logic of that. Your task at your station is more important not your bs you go through.
I went to my bank recently. There was one teller. This idiot took his lunch at the end of the day and came back. Right when I was being served she was making conversation with him rather then me, ready to talk to me in a negative tone as if I was her child. It is like talking to a case-worker inside a welfare office, or a baby-sitter. I have worked in an office before and have seen my co-worker a fellow student yabbing her mouth off non-stop. She would not stfu. She even argues with me about our task. Seriously my upper at the time just said "do em all" but honestly she made big talk but did not do her task.
Go see the beginning of the movie "God Bless America". Yes people chat in the workspace but at the same time your own chatting could get you in trouble. Your work comes first so stay dedicated. You want to grow do it through standardize testing, brown-nosing, and actually committing to the job at hand.