Sat 31 Dec, 2022 08:32 am
I have 2 Facebook accounts. One with 8 friends, one with 128 friends. Till recently, I didn't realise I had the 2 accounts, I thought I only had the 128 friend account, logging into it automatically from my desktop, without knowing my password. Wanting to access it when travelling I tried to get to it on my laptop, but got only to the 8 friend account, which is useless. Attempting one thing after another, I logged out of the 128-friend account on my desktop, and found I could not log back in. When I asked for a replacement password, I didn't get it (maybe it goes to a now-discountinued email address, who knows?) I tried several times and several alternative ways, but no joy.
Sad news, indeed, but only FB can help you.
Yep and they probably won't when the OP tells them about having two accounts