Well sounds like your husband has a case of Sex-addiction. Usually associated with people who "believes" they have high income and pornstars, or people related to as such.
You just need to go to the doctor, get checked out and whatever treatment that is actually logical. Another issue could be bacterial infection, or PH imbalance.
That is my opinion but you need to see a specialist.
Meth can be brain-damaging, it is not a natural drug like
Tobacco ( usually the additive nicotine is responsible for the addiction )
It is not something that is safe to make and drink in small amounts like LSD
Meth is god-auwful and in no way anybody should touch it. Meth in no way is a cigar, it is an escape from real life, targeting trailer-trash. Again no.
I have no problem with the idea of a "seven-hour" sexathon and I am sure their are better ways to get hard like spanish-fly, ginseng, banned images/videos, and even fetishes, and shock straps for penises ( again only opinion ).
Stay away from Meth.