Now how did I miss a li'l chat about what excrement? You'd've thunk I'd've been there for that. (Methinks it is of medium density, and comes to rest about 300 fathoms 'neath the surface. Were a sperm whale to defecate on a diving expedition -- which is not likely, because they slow all nonvital organ systems to a virtual stop to conserve oxygen --- the poo would likely float up.)
My goodness, someone being logical - I can't stand it!
No, no, logical is good!
Why 300 fathoms?
Um, because whale poop density is about 1.028 kg/L? Naturally, there is some variation according to diet. If all the world's whales went on a high-fiber diet simulatneously, you'd see a profusion of what scientists call "big floaters," and the world's coastlines would soon be inundated with whale crud. Don't you know that's why they feed the whales fish in captivity? They'd much rather have Total (TM), but then those folks sitting poolside would get splashed with whale feces in addition to their urine and whatever microbes might grow on their enormous fat bodies, and I'm sure we all know what it's like to leave an amusement park covered in crap.
I feel I haven't lived, now.
I have never left an amusement park covered in crap. Waaaaaaah!
You want mor logic! yeech
I looooooove logic -- it makes my ears quiver.....
Can we get that on video?
P-dog, and what happens when that substance hits one of these?
dlowan wrote:
I feel I haven't lived, now.
I have never left an amusement park covered in crap. Waaaaaaah!
Well... if that's your idea of a good time...
No no no.... I was offering!
You'd pass up a date?
Oh - a date to a ****-filled amusement park?
hmmmmmmmm..... let me think.....
heah, dlowan - your amusement is anothers home - SealPoet was inviting you over for a cup of tea!
Oh - cup of tea? Love to!
Just don't go into the water!