Wed 3 Aug, 2022 09:59 am
If anybody knows possibly what is going on pls let me know!
So I'm on birth control, and I took the last pill for this month 3 days ago. My period is supposed to come 2-3 days after that (so today).
On the first day without the pill, after having sex with my partner, I noticed pinkish-brownish liquidy discharge. After 2-3 hours, no discharge was visible on the panty liner.
The next day (so the second day without pill), we have sex, same thing happens, and after that nothing again.
I didn't experience any pain during intercourse, nor during urination. I was taking the pill correctly throughout the month. I have two negative pregnancy tests. And my period hasn't arrived yet.
Please make an appointment with your gynecologist, there might be something wrong and neither you nor us can predict what it is. It's imperative though, that you'll see your gyno to make sure you're okay.
Good luck!