I would actually get your father and mother to hang around the house. That being said you might want to leave a couple of hidden camera on you guys
This Guy had a son who went out of his way to do things for this woman he has kids with. One time she went out in the snow for him, and something happen ( accident ). The in-law came and rub it in his face.
Guy I am talking about ( the father ) asked the in-law "did ____ tell you to go outside, and did _____ say to do _____" the answer was no and he then said "Please step away from my son"
Point I am saying is that you may not be at fault and if you had a parent who actually was observant around I am sure she would not say anything at all. Parents jobs never ends. They are psychologists, referee, and more. That is what you need.
Again this is a classic case of "I need an in-law with me right now". Like in the "Honey Mooners" or "Lucy Show". They had the Mother-in-law or the Father-in-law in the house/apartment hanging out with keys, etc all the time. Or they lived inside the parents house like in "Tidus.
I love my dog too but the sad reality is that dogs years pass by so fast and their health can be costly. So you rather by a man alone with a dog paying medical bills to lying vet never knowing if your being discriminated or not then do so, because it will happen one day. That day is near.
I assume you guys have sex, but I guess that does not matter after awhile. It is just a need like shaking hands.