Mon 28 Mar, 2022 12:14 pm
Good afternoon everybody.
I sell products on market place and because of that i have a lot of conversations on my messenger. Now i am trying to collect all the phone numbers people provide me along this last year. I live in france where most of the numbers start with 06 or 07. If i search: 06 ; it only appears the nunbers people sent me in separate. Example: 06 55 67 88 etc. And the majority of the people send me numbers like that: 06794739379 all together. I was wondering if its possible to search for 06 or 07 and appears every 06 and 07 in my chat so i can get all the numbers people sent me.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you.
Good luck to everyone.
I don't believe you can search messenger by the content of the message, you can only search by the persons user name.