Mon 1 Aug, 2005 04:54 pm
Maybe not the best title for one of my threads since most of you are thinking, "What's he talking about? He lost his mind a long time ago."
But there are still fragments, enough to struggle through life, and, like I said, I thought I had lost the remaining stuff.
It involves a brush pile by my swamp.
Whenever I had odd chores to do on my property that involve removing brush, I load the brush into my wagon and take it down to the swamp. By the end of the summer the pile is fairly large, roughly the size of a two-story house, and I light it on fire and me and animals gather around for a marshmallow feast and some general bonding.
So, earlier this summer I went down to add some brush to the pile, but the pile wasn't there. I scratched my head and dismissed it to forgetfulness. Perhaps I hadn't started the brush pile yet.
Over the next month or so the pile grew to a nice size. Then a couple of weeks ago I stroll down to the swamp and discover the brush pile is again gone. I dumped the brush in my wagon onto the ground and slumped away.
"What in the hell is going on", I muttered to myself as I walked toward the house to get a drink. It was a this point when I really believed the old mind was going. I didn't accomplish much after that; the stress was too much. I skipped the chores, slept most of the day, and sat on my porch in my rocker, nursing a whiskey bottle at night.
So I'm rocking in my chair last night and I hear a shuffling noise and muffled voices coming from down at the swamp. I stumble out of my chair and head down there, barely able to walk, but determined to find out what the noise was all about. When I got near the swamp I could see a bunch of guys in dark suits and sunglasses grabbing my brush and whisking armloads of it to these black limos on the side of the road. I clearly heard one of the guys saying, "I hate this ****! This is the dumbest friggin' assignment they've ever given us! Why the hell did we get stuck with it?" One of the other guys said, "Shut up, Joe! Only a few moe years left of this crap and we can go back to the regular stuff"
And then they were gone. Just like that. The limousines silently disappeared into the night and I was left scratching my head. "Who were those guys?", I thought. "What do they want with my brush?"
I pondered that question all day and not until I logged on to A2K did the answer hit me like a thunderbolt.
I was reading one of BiPolarBears threads. It dealt with a story where President Bush is going back to his ranch for 10 days. For the 50th time since he's been in office.
So, I'm reading the story and near the end there's a brief summation of what Bush was planning on doing at his ranch.....
when he's at his ranch, doing things like clearing brush and riding his bike
Holy ****! That was the Secret Service at my swamp! They've been taking my brush and transporting it to Bush's property! Just so that slimeball has something to do!
Oh, that pissed me off. The thought of my animals going without a bonfire and marshmallow roast this fall just got my blood boiling.
Anyone else missing brush?
Well, now you know where it is.
Bush can swing by here and mow the lawn if he wants.
What a dolt...
I heard on the news that Bush was told by his doctor to avoid the sun. He apparently has early signs of skin damage that can lead to cancer. You know the kind of cancer caused by our ozone layer disappearing due to global warming...the very thing Mr. Bush is in denial about. What justice it would be if he should die from a side of effect of (the non-existent?!) global warming.
Let Bush and his friends play out in the sun all they want. I'll personally donate a few tons of brush he can clear.
10 days? I thought he was going for a month.
he doesn't have connie around anymore to explain how many days there are in a month.
As much as I'd like to blame Bush...
It's not Bush.
It's beavers.
I know, I know - Bush, beavers, some of you don't know the difference.
But I live in the beaver state. I'm familiar with beavers. I even have a beaver.
The beaver mafia has been stealing your bush. I heard them talking about it. Those beavers can't keep a secret.
They tell their girlfriends everything.
They might be selling it to Bush.
But I'm telling you, it's beavers.
And they go around in groups large enough to hustle a two-story high pile of bush, er I mean brush, in one night.
Thanks for your input, boomer.
Whooda thought?
Gus, just be careful to keep the beavers out of your house, you wouldn't want them munching on your carpets.
Never underestimate the power of the beaver.
I'm pissed off too--I was hoping to get an invitation to your marshmallow roast.
Ah contraire. I rather like the sounds of a carpet-munching beaver.
Very relaxing.
In that case, maybe you should buy a bunch of wine spritzer ingredients and open up the doors.
barefootTia wrote:I'm pissed off too--I was hoping to get an invitation to your marshmallow roast.
I am afraid you would have been disappointed for this is what our Gus uses for his roasts;
They can come to my house. I was out there in the yard today clearing brush, dig, yank, oof! this afternoon. I could use some help here, mebbe in the daytime though, so's I could see them working. I have a dog that could herd'em..
dyslexia wrote:barefootTia wrote:I'm pissed off too--I was hoping to get an invitation to your marshmallow roast.
I am afraid you would have been disappointed for this is what our Gus uses for his roasts;
I am disappointed. But, I would like to hear how he roasts the fluff.
Maybe the beavers would like it to top the rugs?
You people are very smutty.
And - just what the HELL is wrong with fluff, anyway????!!!
The idea......(preens fluffy tail)......BIGOTS!