Feel like my bf isn't attracted to me

Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 05:02 pm
So I've been with my bf 14 months now. He is amazing and treats me like a queen but the only issue is he isn't bothered about sex. He doesn't initiate anything. He would just rather wank at home. He dosent mind fingering etc but not actual sex. This is just making me feel unwanted and like he isn't attracted to me. I want him to not be able to take his hands off me but instead, I feel if I try anything it's just forced. I have spoke to him about it and all he says is he is the shy one. I just don't know what to to cos he's amazing apart from the sexual side. I know it isn't all about sex but I just feel I'm not attractive enough for him. When we last had sex (the only time) I just felt like he was bored. I have tryed dressing up, date nights etc but he just ain't botherd about the sexual side with me. Please help guys. Thanks
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Type: Question • Score: 2 • Views: 321 • Replies: 4
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Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 03:44 pm
Some people just aren't into sex. Lots of people are asexual. You're just with the wrong partner. And this has nothing to do with you. You could be any woman. A friend of mine married a man like that... as soon as she agreed to marry him, she discovered she wasn't going to get any. Since she's more like you, they're now divorced.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 12:02 am
A friend of mine married a man like that... as soon as she agreed to marry him, she discovered she wasn't going to get any.

This is a complaint that I have heard from many men
Who've had to learn the hard way the simple facts of life
To stop your girl from having sex, just make that girl your wife.
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2022 12:11 pm
Hey guys. Me again 🤣 here's a update from my last post ☺️
He says he loves me and wants to be with. He said he finds me sexually attractive. I asked him why he prefers masterbation to sex with me and he said he honestly dosent know. I said we haven't had sex in 6 weeks since Valentine's Day and he said I think you have a higher libido than me which is defo true. I asked him how often would he like sex and he said once every 2 weeks. Can you go to the doctors about having a low libido???
He also said he was scared because I am more experienced than him and he isn't confident with his body. I tell him all the time how I love his body and how it turns me on.
I have brought up dates nights in the past but he said he dosent like the term 'date night' because he feels like its just pressure to have sex. I also said he never wants us and me to get dressed up when I offer and he said he loves me all the same whether I am in my pjs or dressed up to the 9s.
I basically just said I feel rejected because I try to come onto you and just get nothing back and he said he was sorry but I need to be patient with him. I said he needs to be more open with me.

So guys give it too me 🤣
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2022 12:13 pm
Yeah, he could see a doctor about his libido but some just don't have a strong sex drive. You might just have to live with it, and don't take it as a rejection. Think of it like you like ice cream and he's meh about it. Nothing personal to you. Just make the times when you do have sex even more wonderful.
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