Quote:- Do you accept that someone can be pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine mandate?
I accept that some people have said as much.
Here's the issue. Covid vaccines were developed to combat a pandemic. That is their purpose. If someone claims to be "pro-vaccine" we assume that they believe vaccines to be an effective measure to control the pandemic. In order for the vaccines to do this job, vaccination must be as near to universal as possible. A mandate seeks to assure that the largest number of people across the widest area get vaccinated in order to control the pandemic. To say you're pro-vaccine and then – as media crackpots are spreading covid misinformation –
to undercut its effectiveness by making it an individual choice is essentially negating the whole concept of mass vaccination as a public health measure.
Quote:- Do you accept the point that vaccine mandates, forcing* someone to get a vaccine against their will, infringes on a personal autonomy?
Not to a significant degree. One's autonomy is much more severely infringed by unwillingly and unknowingly contracting a serious respiratory disease.
*I'm not in favor of health cops sitting on handcuffed refuseniks and vaccinating them against their will. If people won't conform to the mandate by getting vaccinated we need further measures to protect the public, like requiring frequent testing, continued mask wearing by the willfully unvaccinated, healthy fines or other measures.
Quote:- Do you accept that there is a line to be drawn between two sets of values... on one side is public safety and on the other side is autonomy and privacy.
In a dangerous pandemic, the negative consequences to public health by over-valuing individual freedom over collective welfare will result in the deaths of more people, including those who oppose the implementation of public health mandates. "Give me liberty or give me death" is fine, but your liberty shouldn't result in the deaths of others.