Sat 27 Nov, 2021 11:14 am
Music, is about the honesty of the soul. But to be a great musician, you have to lie. It all comes down to lyrics. The myth of poetry, is that it's about love. This is partially true, making poetry, art, since poetry, kills two lovers, unless love is true, in which case, it's a military deployment for the man, and a cop's badge with a pair of thongs and garters for the woman. Colonel Steve Trevor aside, let's get into them.
Transformation into Batman Forever Riddler (The Dave Mustaine Sequence):
The character should be an image of one's own father, with the nefarious force posed in the work as the self, but as an abstract, elusive whole. This will induce one being the image of the artist's father, beating a rival as the son, until the child (the writer) has been subsumed into the image of the phantom paternal abuse attempting to defeat the writer as the nefarious force. Then, the reader (the audience) will become the nefarious force, the writer's token philosophy. To be written properly, the character (the father fighting the son) has to have a unique form of outlook when viewing the mysterious force, particularly if the nefarious, abstract force is pre-established. This will induce the writer's psychiatric complex in whomever reads the piece.
The Wachowski Trap (Lady Gaga For That Pirate Booty):
The character should be an image of one's own mother, seducing the writer with a memory implying seduction as a submissive to the writer. This will induce transgender disorder compliant with being a humiliated version of the writer, de facto submissive to the brand or style of the writer as an off-screen personality, regardless of the off screen personality's shifts and variances. To be written properly, the character (the mother seducing the child as a submissive sexual icon) has to have a reference to a single BDSM posturing that will be familiar with the target audience (the sexual fetishism of the chosen BDSM posture or reference), any individual with the fetish becoming a transgender submissive cohort of the writer. This will induce a fan following at the expense of opposition to the author's political issues, if one follows the author's personal tirades.
The Needle in Flesh (Antichrist Superstar):
There should be three points, the point of insertion (pain), the point of subsurface information (the lie and shock), and the point of removal from the work of art (catharsis). This mimics a needle and thread passing through the finger, to disturb another individual. The pain is the first stage to the message, the falsely distributed information must be visible beneath a slim surface layer and must have a quality of shock as the surface, and the catharsis must be the fruition of the message. There are several ways to perform this (pain and catharsis are bonded with removal of thread {tragedy}, catharsis pulls through at length with pain blocked at sudden halt {climax}, catharsis pulls through at length with pain moving beneath shock and out {anticlimax}, thread is pulled as pain transitioned into catharsis and previous catharsis as pleasure {ballad}, pain becomes pleasure and catharsis becomes metered {opera}, pain and catharsis are switched as the thread remains a constant {epic}), but one should remember that the insertion and extraction are a pair, to be ceased at the end of the work, where the lie (thread) is pulled out and made plain as falsehood during simultaneous removal of the shock, to be accepted as wisdom (despite being made in falsehood).
Tragedy: Whoa, cover, false fact, whoa and warning.
Climax: Whoa, cover, false fact, implication.
Anticlimax: Whoa, cover, false fact, nah.
Ballad: Whoa, cover, false fact, affirmation.
Opera: Whoa, cover, false fact, cover, affirmation.
Epic: Whoa, cover, false fact, display of truth, false fact, cover, whoa.