Coincidently odd feeling!!

Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 04:44 am
I tend to think about bad things at times, my mind wonders as Im sure everybodies does from time to time.

My friend is getting married tomorrow and i was thinking i hope it all goes ok, that everyone is there, nobodies ill etc.
I even had a scene of my friend in my head saying how sad he was that such and such couldnt be here coz he is ill.

This morning I find out that his best man is in hospital with a bleed on the brain!!

I dont particularly get on with the guy but I hear it could be quite serious, and obviously I dont want anything worse to happen.

Im just a bit taken aback that the 'prediction' is a bit too close for comfort.

Has this happened to anybody else??
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 808 • Replies: 13
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 05:05 am
Re: Coincidently odd feeling!!
MG: it reminds me of an incident about 10 years ago in my own life. It had just started to rain moderately when I got into my car to drive home, late at night. The streets were dead, but about 1 minute into driving, I was hit (pardon the pun) with this certainty that I was about to have an accident. (Mind you, at that point, there were no cars in sight either ahead, behind or beside me. As I said, the roads were dead.) I got a case of thick panic. And sure enough, about 2 minutes later, down the hill, at an intersection, a car rear-ended me. (The driver said her brakes locked.)

At other times, on the freeway, I can occasionally somehow sense when somebody's going to move into my lane in front of me (and I am not talking about folks with their blinkers on).

I have no explanation for these occurrences. It could just somehow be part of intuition (mine is very strong), nothing more.
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material girl
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 05:10 am
Intuition can be good, just wish it refered to good things.

Just spoke to the groom who is gutted.Luckily an usher has stepped in as best man.
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:30 am
I can think of a couple. I remember one afternoon as I was getting my daughter ready to go to a birthday party, I got this anxiety attack, like something was wrong. I did not get a feeling of what it was, but just felt this huge amount of anxiety. Just before we were ready to leave for the party, I get a phone call. My husband was brought to the hospital in an ambulance. Fortunately he ended up just severely bruised with nothing broken and no internal injuries, but the accident must have occurred right around the time of my feeling of anxiety.

Another time, I was talking with my mom on the phone concerned about where my husband was working. He was training and the company was sending him to different stores. He was closing that night in a bad area and I told my mom that it scares me that he could be robbed. After I feel asleep that night, the phone woke me. It was from my husband obviously upset. He was held up at gun point, and tied while they threatened him and robbed the place.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:31 am
I mentioned a premonition on another thread with my husband. Luckily, the premonition was only partly true and he didn't get killed.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:37 am
Re: Coincidently odd feeling!!
diagknowz wrote:
MG: it reminds me of an incident about 10 years ago in my own life. It had just started to rain moderately when I got into my car to drive home, late at night. The streets were dead, but about 1 minute into driving, I was hit (pardon the pun) with this certainty that I was about to have an accident. (Mind you, at that point, there were no cars in sight either ahead, behind or beside me. As I said, the roads were dead.) I got a case of thick panic. And sure enough, about 2 minutes later, down the hill, at an intersection, a car rear-ended me. (The driver said her brakes locked.)

At other times, on the freeway, I can occasionally somehow sense when somebody's going to move into my lane in front of me (and I am not talking about folks with their blinkers on).

I have no explanation for these occurrences. It could just somehow be part of intuition (mine is very strong), nothing more.

But how often does that happen and you don't get in an accident? I'd bet EVERYONE gets that "feeling" they're going to get in an accident once in a while. Happened to me yesterday actually, except for the part about being in an accident.
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material girl
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:52 am
Bella, Im very glad it didnt all come true.

Your right slappy.I think alot of things and they rarely come true.
It was just odd as it was at the right event and the same person I thought about is ill.

It happens quite abit, Ive got to the point where Im not surprised if things happen, tho I only remember I thought them after it happens.

Its all a in built intuition thing that we all have I suppose.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 01:28 pm
My son and I are basically telepathic. Time after time, things will happen like thinking of phoning him, and the phone will ring a split second later....guess who.
I dropped him off, with all his belongings when he first went to University.
We loaded everything into his room on Campus, and went through a checklist to make sure he had everything.
We then said a manly goodbye, and I started the 100 mile drive home. I got about 20 miles into the journey, and heard my sons voice exclaim "Wallet", and knew something was wrong.
I pulled over into the next layby, and went round to the passenger side of the car and started to search. After a minute or two, I found his wallet right underneath the passenger seat, totally out of sight and almost out of reach.
I turned around and drove back....he was waiting for me by the entrance to his lodgings. Apparently, when he realised he didnt have his wallet, he mentally shouted "Wallet", and said that he knew I had heard him. He also maintains that he knew I had found it, and stopped worrying.

I think he was an Alien implant, and I am only his surrogate earthling Father.

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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 01:35 pm
That's uncanny, Ellpus!
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 02:13 am
Re: Coincidently odd feeling!!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
But how often does that happen and you don't get in an accident?

Happened only that one time. I'm not talking about being concerned about having an accident (living in SoCal the way I do, I have to use the freeway every day, and beLEEVE me, I'm reminded frequently of the fact that I'm taking my life into my own hands). This was definitely some sort of premonition.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 10:21 am
I've actually got a couple of stories about this. I woke up one morning in elementary school and the moment I looked at my alarm clock something told me it was going to be a very bad day. That afternoon we got word that two family friends (and coworkers of my father's) had died in a helicopter crash.

The other was my grandmother--when she was a girl she lived in France during WWII, and her family helped people escape the Nazis. One night after she went to bed, she saw the man standing at the foot of her bed telling her he wouldn't make it that night. The next day her family found out he had been shot on the way to their house and died.
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material girl
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 08:38 am
Just heard, the poorly pal had a procedure which seems to have worked so he is on the mend.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 08:05 pm
My mom and I have bizarre telepathy things frequently. One of the weirdest was just recently when we were on the phone and having a pretty intense argument.

I said I had to go, but that I wanted to talk about something more positive before we got off the phone. So we sat there in silence for several minutes, each trying to think of a less tense subject.... I stared at the potted plant by my foot, thinking, well, mum's an avid gardener, maybe she'd like to hear what kind of plant I'm sitting here looking at. I dismissed the idea as stupid and continued to stare at the plant in silence. Then Mom said, "why don't you tell me about the plant by your right foot?" Shocked

Struck me as odd!
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material girl
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 02:01 am
Odd!!That would have freaked the b'Jesus out of me!!!
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