Quote:It describes people who have an irrational hatred of Mr. Trump.
As well as people who have an irrational devotion to the clown.

As in this Urban Dictionary definition:
Quote:TDS - The inability to find fault with Trump due to the fact that you voted for him in 2016.
"TDS" is not a clinically recognized tradition — it's one of numerous "folk categories" of mental disorders. Therefore the term has no official definition and the words can literally be applied to people at either end of the Trump spectrum. The people who beat Capitol police officers with fists and flagpoles in support of Trump were clearly deranged.
Quote:That's a mistake that any American can make, you and me included.
It's not an isolated case. The user's malaprops, spelling errors, misuse of words, and difficulty in interpreting text all signify root unfamiliarity with customary USAmerican language usage and vocabulary. You're right about one thing; there's nothing wrong with not being a native-born USAmerican. It doesn't mean that the user's posts can't be criticized for their content.