@david lyga,
No I don't mean to be inferring that. Remember, I am an engineer. I am going to give you an exact answer that has too much information (that's what we do
What I am mostly saying is that
with modern technology, well designed websites are extremely secure. You can trust that your banking app or your credit card site will be secure, as long as you follow the basic rules.
1. My comment about other pages were based on security holes being open in the past. These security holes have been fixed. I am recounting them... I don't think you should worry about them.
2. You don't have to close other pages when you do your banking.
[Let me try to be useful (instead of talking like an engineer).
1. If you are using SSL on a well-run site (and any big corporation will be well-run) you are very secure if you don't break one of the rules below.
The biggest security threat is malware. This is when you have a program running on your machine that has the power to steal passwords/ data/ etc.
3. To not get malware on your computer...keep your anti-virus software up-to-date. Be careful that email doesn't trick you into installing something, and don't download things from sites you don't trust.
4. To not get malware on your phone, only download things from the play store. Actually, the phones restrict what you do unless you know enough to hack around (and if you don't know what this means, you are safe).
5. The showing you a letter at a time of your password is intended to be a convenience (because it is hard to type on the screen). It is not a security risk. They only way they can read your screen is if they have malware installed (which you can prevent easily). If they have malware installed, you are already screwed... but on your phone it is not easy to get malware unless you are looking for trouble.