Hey, im trying to recall a french movies name. It is filmed in car, driver is on his phone, and he is calling his wife to tell her that he is on a way to hospital becouse his misstress is giving a birth. Then, he is on call with misstress, and in the same time he is having problem at his work, that only he can handle. And is trying to manage all things.
Please help a brother
However, you have quite a number of things mixed up about it. I only knew the answer because I enjoyed it so much.
It's not French. It's British.
The woman giving birth is not his mistress. It's a colleague he had a one night stand with.
He regrets it, and doesn't have any feelings for her.
However, it's important for him to be at the hospital for the birth of the baby, because his own father abandoned him, and he vows not to do that.