Thu 4 Jun, 2020 06:22 pm
my name is Aubrey, I am 29 years old. In 2015 I was held against my will for approximately 4 months. This is not a story I normally tell people about as I am not comfortable with people feeling sorry for me. It happened, I'm a better person now because of it, and now I have the most amazing husband who is truely my soulmate. the reason why I am talking about this is because I am still dealing with this whole situation in a way. you see, while I was held against my will for 4 months I only had a bowel movement twice and since then my whole digestive system has been a mess. I've put on at least 50 pounds and have been unsuccessful at loosing weight regardless of what I've done to try and do so. I've been to the doctors, not wanting to tell them my story because it was something I really just didnt want to talk about. over the years of having nothing done about my situation I decided it was finally time to go ahead and tell the doctor exactly what my situation was in order to get some kind of help for my problems. I decided to go and see a gastroenterologist in 2020 because my symptoms now had gotten significantly worse and I had been in a lot of pain. That day of my appointment I felt really self conscious about my body. I had put on all this weight and really didnt want anyone to see, plus I knew I couldnt wear my body shaper as the doctor would likely need to have a look at things going on with my digestive system. so, even though it was 80 degrees outside I put on a black sweater and I went to my appointment.
When I arrived I told the nurse exactly what was going on and of course, I felt as if she was having pity on me which is exactly why I avoided all this in the first place. However, I decided to just be completely honest as I really needed answers and help for my situation. The gastroenterologist came in and started asking me questions. The questions seemed normal at first however, they quickly took a turn.
Wanting to be completely honest with the doctor I told him that when I woke up I took one of my old prescription, Hydrocodone. I Took one because I was having severe lower back pain with bowel movement and consistent lower back pain especially about an hour after I ate. I knew the lower back pain and the constipation had to be related and the pain was unbearable at times. His questions quickly changed from how often was I having a bowel movement to have you ever shot up. I didnt give it much thought at the time, figured it was something they asked everyone and I gave him the honest answer which was NO. He seemed as if he didnt believe me and started asking about other drugs. He asked about marijuana and I told him about how I have smoked marijuana a couple times when I was younger but it was never something I did a lot of and it had been years since. He asked if I ever drank alot and I said well yeah when I was younger but that has been before I had gotten pregnant with my daughter and she is already 8 years old. At this point I was thinking what was the deal with these questions and why was this doctor looking like I was some kind of junkie just looking to get some pain pills.
I assure you the last thing on my mind was pain pills I wanted to have an X-ray or some kinda of help to figure out exactly what the problem was. I honestly just wanted to problem to be solved as I thought my colon could possibly be backed up. He then started to talk about Proton Pump Inhibitors which I had been prescribed to many times before and for personal reasons choose not to take. he prescribed me more PPIs and told me that I should be taking them. I said why I dont have heart burn and I've heard alot of bad rap about PPIs, they just wernt something I was interested in taking. He seemed to have this feel to him that I was just trying to get something prescribed to me when that wasnt the case at all I really wanted to be looked at on the inside to see what was going on.
Long story short I never got the Xray I had hoped to recieve as I honestly believe my colon is backed up and he wrote me off a prescription for PPIs. this doctor assumed I was in there for a reason other then what I was. He never had my blood drawn, never took a urine sample ... nothing! He said I might need a colonoscopy which he wants to do in no less then a month.
My problem is getting worse by the day. a colonoscopy in a month, I feel, is a while away for a problem that is becoming worse by the day. He was talking like he believes it could be colon cancer, however, I honestly dont believe it. I feel like I know my body enough to say I believe my colon is backed up. the issue is I've tried laxatives, enemas, and stool softeners, non of which work. I've tried to increase my fiber and soluble fibers, nothing works. I believe I could have Mega Colon from only having two bowel movements withen a 4 month time period. He never once gave a thought to that but would be able to see if that were the issue by doing an X-Ray. What should I do?
The questions about drug and alcohol use are pretty standard at the first visit. It’s called a patient history.
Why do you call him a “bad doctor”?
You need a colonoscopy ASAP. Did you schedule it?
The prep will clean you out, so do exactly what the instructions tell you to do.
Good luck. Sorry you are in so much discomfort.
Punky, she said that she'll have a colonoscopy in a few weeks. She's in pain now.
I am so sorry that you're experiencing this painful digestive backup. I really would advise you to go to a hospital emergency if you can. If indeed you have a blockage, you're risking a tear in your colon and toxins going into your blood stream. That's a very dangerous situation and you need to take care of it at once.
Please don't wait and just go to the ER of your hospital near by. They will be able to help you. Good luck!
Agreed - you are always entitled to a second opinion and in any case if you feel that bad you should go to an ER if you cannot be seen by another doctor right away.
I agree that you should get a second opinion.
You also should consider the possibility that this doctor is correct. The reason we go to doctors is because they know more than we do. I want doctors who can calmly explain to me what they think I should do and who can work with me based on my own beliefs and preferences. The fact that all of the self-treatment you are doing isn't working suggests that maybe the doctor is right.
But overall, the doctor is an expert. Get a second opinion. If the second opinion agrees with the first, then you should go with it.
I take PPIs, I have read the reasons that PPIs have risks. In my case, from personal experience, they are certainly worth the risk.
So I looked at my discharge papers and he actually has me scheduled for a throat scope not a colonoscopy and the throat scope is scheduled 6 months away.