Mon 2 Mar, 2020 10:51 pm
What is your first childhood memory?
Seizan wrote:
What is your first childhood memory?
laying in a crib with a mobile over it
Taking a tumble and getting a nose-bleed. I grabbed hold of my teddy bear and some blood fell on it. When Mother saw the blood, she tossed the poor bear into the trash. Didn't even try to wash it.
I was about four years old at the time, still remember it vividly.
I remember pieces from when I was very young - would need to be before I was in kindergarten ....
I remember my parents going out and we stayed with my dad's mom - it was a little scary - but she gave us these little candy fruit things - the ones that look like fruit pieces with sugar all over them and I remember her giving us apple juice and she said I love seeing kids drink apple juice.
I also remember staying the night at my cousin's house once - we were both the same age and we got really muddy in the backyard - took a bath together (both girls and very young) and then her mom read us green eggs and ham and replaced the kids names with our names.
There could be other snatches - but that fruit and apple juice is probably the oldest memory - wonder why I remember that?
One memory I somehow cling to, I was very small, chasing about with somebody, probably a brother. I went down on a concrete slab, tumbled some, but immediately was on my feet running again. I was aware of my uncle being flabbergasted that I not only didn't get hurt, but went on as if nothing happened. About thirty or so years ago, I was questioning the uncle about my childhood. He said I was a mean little ****. He seemed to reference the incident I just described.
In my last post, something I consider extraordinary occurred in the moments the incident occurred. I experienced a moment of clarity, as if emerging from a dense mental fog. It was like a breakthrough from the realm of babies to the next level of growth. But I went back into the fog from there. I think that's why I still have such a vivid recall.
I remember once being at my aunts house (and this was my favorite aunt) - the cellar door was open and their cat was sitting right there in front of the cellar stairs.
I did and always have loved animals but some demon must have taken over. I had this urge to push the cat - which being right at the top of the stairs would have caused him to tumbled down. .... Yep I did it.
Years later as an adult I confessed this to my aunt.
One of my earliest memories had me and some family member adults at what I used to presume to be the San Antonio 40s version of the river walk. Lately I think it may have been elsewhere. Two of the grownups went for a boat ride. When they returned they agreed to give me a ride. I thought they were a-holes when they barely left the shore and brought me back ashore.
I used to have a recurring dream where I was underwater in a warm dark vaguely reddish space where I had no trouble breathing...recalling this sensation, years later, I wondered if it were some sort of reconstruction of experience in the womb. I know it seems highly unlikely but it was a comfortingly familiar dream space and never caused me to wake up in alarm.
I remember being suddenly awakened from a deep sleep in the back seat and finding myself on the floor of our old Plymouth one night when my father had to brake suddenly for a hare.
I remember holding my mother's hand and the hand of one of her friends and as they walked with me in between I'd lift my feet and they'd have to walk with me suspended in the air — and I remember my mother getting cross with me and telling me not to do that.