Mon 2 Mar, 2020 04:22 pm
- makes $47 mil per year for calling people idiots.
The network is ending her show next year because they can rerun old episodes and keep the revenue pouring in. Judge Judith will seek to launch a new series with a slightly different name.
edgarblythe wrote:
- makes $47 mil per year for calling people idiots.
The network is ending her show next year because they can rerun old episodes and keep the revenue pouring in. Judge Judith will seek to launch a new series with a slightly different name.
Great gig - you get to insult people and put them in their places and get millions for it.
Wish I thought of it.
Still looking for the episode an idiot cousin of mine was in - actually it might have been a different "judge" show - he is the perfect idiot to be on such a show - heard he made a complete a$$ of himself.
Baloney! Actually, probably not baloney, but I had to get that in if we're talking about Judge Judy. I like her and her show.
BTW, she and I come from the same neighborhood in the Bronx. So if you've been wondering what I sound like (Noo Yawk accent), listen to her, and you've got me.
I watch her show a couple times a week. She usually hits the mark.
I love when she drops in some Yiddish, or calls some kid a fresh mouth or Miss Smarty Pants....and my husbands favorite "liar, liar pants on fire:
Ha - now whenever I read anything you write -- I will "hear" it in Judge Judy's voice!