, Columbia must be tryin to sell another textbook. This is really old news. Ground-water scientists and engineers have been drilling along coastal edges for nearly 75 years and we know the discharge points of several regional aquifers. This one is probably the Potomac /Magothy/Raritan aquifer system.
Theres an old principle called the "Ghyben Herzberg" rule ( its been modified by the M King Hubbert rule tht says that the elevation of ground water is controlled by its thickness and how it lies wrt the underlying salt water wedgie. Theres about a 40:1 ratio of wt elevation to the depths of the salt. (Fresh ground water lies atop the salt water underground)
We were finding underwater springs and other aquifer discharge points in theMEd for more than 100 years. In the 80's Israel had planned to develop these aquifers under the med but found that its cheaper to desalinate using electro osmosis.(Now weve got even bbetter osmosis tech to really treat sea water fast)
Its never really been publicized much for the very reason that hightor brought up as a joke. Developing sea front water will drop the heads of water wells on shore as the pressure/head is reduced by massive offshore development. Lots of shore side communities in NJ had studied the **** out of dumping their tertiary treated sewage effluent) onto the salt water wege and thus "pushing it deeper "> This would allow development of fresh water BEHIND the discharge point (yet on land). They never opted to do it when they had an opportunity because several of the casino developers did NOT want to spend any money in "useless research" .
Im sure Georgeob's company has been involved in offshore development of aquifer discharge. The scientists who wonder whether there are more such aquifers must have missed the memo sent out about 1950.