Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:40 pm
I read that artillery positions were bombed and there are a few other attacks reported. Bombing artillery sounds nice sort of like stomping on some toys but I want to know how many people died. So if you have information on any deaths in this war please post it here. I want information on both sides but it will probably be all Iraqi deaths.
The death of my children's innocence as they watch this war and this president are shockingly sad.
I heard 15 or so American troops died in a helicopter crash.
Make that:
More details released about chopper crash
Twelve British and four United States soldiers were killed when a US Marine helicopter crashed in Kuwait a US military spokesman in Kuwait said.
And how many more are going to answer the call?
To die in a place they should never been at all!
Seems like the British take the most casualties.
Another 7 soldiers died in heli-crash.
Three journalists with UK commercial TV network ITN are reported missing in southern Iraq after coming under fire on their way to Basra.
Four people (one Australian Journalist and three Iraqi),die in a suicide bombing near the northern Iraqi town of Halabja.
Yep - Oz's first casualty is a home-town boy - Paul Moran - very experienced in the Middle East camera operator, killed in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq. Has a new-born baby. Such is war.
Do media folk count as casualties?
Iraq claiming 3 dead and a couple of hundred injured in Baghdad. This seems a very modest claim for such heavy bombing.
Think of how much firepower those missiles have! I would imagine that either the things are nearly as accurate as claimed - or that Iraqi authorities are down-playing casualties for morale purposes.
So far allied losses have been light, compared to what they could be if Iraq were using their stockpile of chemical,and mass-destruction weopons. I thank God they haven't, and pray they don't. However I am curious as to why they haven't so far. I mean, we know they have them, because Bush says they do, and Bush is an honorable man......right?
Oh yeah, the death of the journalist is a stark reminder, those guys really have guts. A soldier is brave going there with a gun, but to be near the target area, armed with a videophone......whew! My hats off to them all.