Oh I have a simple solution for that as well dream - I don't have an answer phone. People who want to talk to me (actually, people who I want to talk) all have my mobile number !!
Gezzy, my eyes are closed - don't worry, I did not see a thing.
Gautam....I don't have a mobile phone. The idea of actually getting a call while I'm driving gives me the creeps. In my family, so far, we've only owned them while an elderly member was dying. Now Mr Dream wants to get one for emergencies. Ugh. I'll let him keep it in his car.
I had a boss once who was so concerned that anyone would find out where she lived, she made sure it was even removed from her employment records beore she left. However, she had good reason it seems, since everyone hated her with a passion and most were pretty messed up young guys.The person who really disliked her was the owners wife who knew something more than the rest of us I suppose and didnt have to work with her either...interesting.
I thought it was just a bit skewed though, I mean you work with someone and you say, where do you live, and they look at you with a blank stare and walk away...huh? Okay, perhaps your a pod person..I wont ask again. What would be so bad about I dont know, saying the town even? Creepy actually. And that was the first time I found the whole cutting off of the address on the magazine thing. Funny, those people that are so concerned get so many magazines that they want to give away.
Why take the time doing that, you can spend the time filling out the subscription card inside, then if the person doesnt want the magazine, they wont subscribe, no one will know you're paranoid, and life is fine for all the rest of us.
Glad Im not alone in thinking its wierd, even though I can see where someone could be concerned about it with the whackos out there, its just too much.
Interesting subject.....
I don't subscribe to any magazines ~ if I want one, I'll pick it up at the store.
Regarding credit cards ~ I've been in the hotel industry for 21 years and have only worked for one property where care has been taken to actually shred any paperwork regarding guest information that the hotel didn't keep for its own files. (The paperwork that is thrown into the trash would make most of you shudder.) (One property in 21 years ~ I've worked at seven hotels in that time.)
I can't tell you how many times people have signed restaurant checks and then scribbled through their credit card number. Yeah, that may stop the server from recording the CC#, but the number has to be available for processing, therefore, the number is still accessible. I would hope that folks keep their receipts and compare them to their statements. (I know 'most' don't because tip fraud is a big problem.)
In keeping with the thread, I agree with M. A. I don't have a whole heck of a lot to hide.....but if you don't want to be found, that's a hard task.
Hi All.
I've always laughed at that paranoia, if someone psycho wants to find me they're gonna do it anyway.
My screen name is my real name, my email address is my full name, I'm in the phone book, I give out my phone number (I write it on bathroom walls

I got one of those "telezapper" machines for my phone, and since installing it get one or two marketing calls a week.
I love junk mail, I make it into wrapping paper for gifts (not just "as is", I liquify it, and make really cool handmade paper out of it).
You crack me up, Jerry.....still can't wait to give you that HUGE hug!!!!!
Me too,..only two weeks left!!
Ohmygoodness.....don't know if I can wait that long!
You guys are gonna have a blast :-D
Anybody traveling through Roswell, NM, to get to Fla.? That's where I'll be from later today on through April 18. Stop in at the Sally Port Inn (2000 No. Main St.) and say, 'Hi!'