Sun 29 Sep, 2019 01:59 pm
This isn't a question about the science behind where happiness comes from, I just want to know what makes you happy? I know that everyone has a different perspective of happiness and i would like to know on a personal level what brings you joy, it can be detailed or just one-worded answers, I don't mind.
Elix wrote:
This isn't a question about the science behind where happiness comes from, I just want to know what makes you happy? I know that everyone has a different perspective of happiness and i would like to know on a personal level what brings you joy, it can be detailed or just one-worded answers, I don't mind.
When I saw your title I thought for a moment to uploading a picture if my girlfriend even those beside making me happy she also at times have the complete reverse effect.
barbecued ribs with a side of collards in a tangy potlikker and some applesauce
farmerman wrote:
barbecued ribs with a side of collards in a tangy potlikker and some applesauce
funny my answer was going to be food.
Not as specific as yours - but yeah food.
Mystery Science Theater 3ooo and Rifftrax.
Going to the movies.
A good cheeseburger (veggie or otherwise).
Finding a new sour or fruity beer.
Hiking with friends.
The most happy things in our life : family!!! and for sure money