Mon 17 Mar, 2003 07:22 pm
The president has given Saddam 48 hours to as they say in all those old cowboy pictures, to get out of town. What is the chance that Saddam will take heed and leave?
Slim to none. It may be worth his life to stay; surely would be go leave his center of power. Hey, the man just isn't popular.
i would assume he is dead no matter, so why leave?
Saddam is an absolute nut case! He reminds me of Hitler, psycho ... would Hitler have stepped down? No................. Neither will Saddam.
He will probably go into hiding, just like his counterpart OBL ... either way, he will be killed, and so will OBL.
It is not my belief we should go to war, nor is it my belief that these people should attack us and get away with it, however, my support of our troops is unshakeable!
They are the alpha and the omega, and may God bless them!
The Vote here shows no split so far.
I am mindful that a rare headline is "Gunman Arrested After Shootout With Police". Saddam's future would not appear bright enough to require shades. Most troubling to me is the potential for no clear resolution. It is quite possible there will much and lengthy confusion over whether he died and was vaporized or merely disappeared. A tabloid headline of 20 years else could well be "Saddam Sighted in Atlantic City Casino".
I trust, perhaps naievely, that pursuant to our invasion we will successfully expose Saddam's WMD potentional as the matter of urgency we have held it to be.
I pray that expected discovery not be accompanied by atrocity and civilian tragedy.
I fear greatly that while total vindication is assured, it may be a bitter vindication.
I doubt seriously we will do well by the Kurds.
I know we won't be done with this for many, many years.
I can't see it happening.
He will not step down. But even if he do. Bombs will still fall on Iraq!!! So whats the difference!
Never! He'll die with his "boots" on.
My fantasy is that when Saddam is surrounded, he will pull a "Hitler", kill his family, and then commit suicide. I don't think that he would ever go into exile. He is too much of a maniac to be shown up as a loser. By committing suicide, he will maintain control in the ultimate choice!
Or he will pull An "Osama Bin Laden". Vanish and leave the US without a war trophy
I think he will not step down -- and I don't see him ever being captured.
I hope he doesn't get away -- another OBL on the loose would be everyone's nightmare.
I despise the idea that we are going to war -- and I think that no matter how things turn out in the short run -- the long term consequences of what we are doing here will be devistating to our country -- and to humanity in general.
George Bush is a incompetent moron -- and his handlers are among the most evil and duplicitous people ever to surround an incompetent person with power.
This is a very sad moment for humankind.
Wouldn't it be nice if he saw the handwriting on the wall and stepped down. I doubt it but anything is possible. I also have another hope and that is that it turns out that Saddam was telling the truth about the destruction or WMD's, he had indeed destroyed them. Wouldn't that leave egg on the faces of Bush and his cohorts?
That would truly be a bonus.
au, I am sure that wont happen - WMD will be found, specially because they will be planted. For a man as devious as Bush, anything is possible.