The sun is nearly down from where I sit so maybe it's time to pause:
Here's to the Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Nine
young Americans who are not here today, but rest amongst the heros.
Here's to the Sixteen Hundred and Ninety Three
young Americans who are not here today, but rest amongst the heros.
Here's to the One Hundred and Forty Nine
from the First Gulf War
who are not here today, but rest amongst the heros.
And to the hundreds more who died somewhere in the service of their country.
Here's to my Uncle John and Uncle Jim
and the hundreds of thousands of young men and young women
who did not hesitate for a moment
before pledging their honor
and their lives
for the idea of a free nation
of free men and women
just like them.
Be at peace tonight, my darlings,
sleep well you unsung heros,
tonight as the sun goes down,
we pause
amongst the barbecue and chocolate cake,
the fireflies blinking in the fading light
and speak softly of your lives.
We cannot know what those lives would have been
Oh Anthony, oh Stephen, oh Eduardo, oh Annie-Katherine dear,
but know this
our lives are better for your being once alive.
Our Lives are Better for your Being Once Alive.
Please type the names of the persons you would like to remember tonight.
Joe( =a silent prayer=)Nation
John (Jackie) Curtain
Paul (the Poet)
Jonathan Kantor
The brothers who were not brothers
The brothers who were brothers.
The brothers who wonder why not them.