Tue 5 Apr, 2005 07:01 pm
What is up with guys who like tan lines? I have my profile up on a couple dating websites. They went up a couple years ago and by now I'm pretty bored of the results. Anyway, I don't think I've browsed a guy who doesn't list tan lines as a 'turn on'. Why is that?
And here we women spend so much time trying to avoid tan lines. (Well I used to.)
I guess the whole suggestion/ clothed/ unclothed kinda thing? Fishnets sexier than nothing?
Will be curious about answers.
I've never heard any of my friends specifically say they dig tan lines.
Maybe black midgets wearing pink socks, but not tan lines.
Anyway, it's sexy because tan lines are usually where the thongs/bras cover up, so it's a sexy part of the body.
So the golf socks tan lines aren't a turn-on?
Good point, Beth, which tan lines are hot and which aren't?
I used to know a few strippers and they told me tan lines were good for bidness.
As a stripper, I can tell you some women like them, littlek.
You're a stripper, Slapster?
Don't pretend like you don't know, "Ms. Platinum Customer."
This is good news for me - I do landscaping and every summer I get a really sexy farmer's tan.
1) Tan lines are a turn on because when a man sees them he knows he is viewing some area(s) that are usually hidden, the hidden is revealed. We all like that.
2) a totally tanned body indicates that the person may not be especially reserved, some of us like a person who is a little vulnerable and under exposed.
Joe(I have never spent any time thinking about this before)Nation
Sunburn lines, on the other hand, probably don't have the same allure...
Witchie, I do too, I don't think that's what I'm talking about though, sorry to say.
Joe, sure sure. S'ok, we don't judge.
Osso, sunburn lines turn tan, no?
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
Anyway, it's sexy because tan lines are usually where the thongs/bras cover up, so it's a sexy part of the body.
I thought it was so they could
find those areas
In other words, the good areas are defined for them
Well, yes, after the peeling...
but I was meaning the lobster red and bright white look. usual mode, when I went in for becoming fetchingly bronzed by beach baking. Not good for one, of course. Just as well I'm over doing that to myself. I would burn, peel, become ever so slightly tan. Burn, peel, become ever so slightly tanner. Fade. Burn, repeat.
luckily, as long as I'm careful, I don't burn. But my tan lines are atrocious!
I avoid tan lines, I wear a Stetson.
Yeah, I think when they say "tan lines" they're thinking the equivalent of who has it now? Amanda's avatar without, ya know, the chicken.
Don't much care for the myself, unless it's a genuine outdoorsy girl. I'm not sure why.
Joe Nation wrote:1) Tan lines are a turn on because when a man sees them he knows he is viewing some area(s) that are usually hidden, the hidden is revealed. We all like that.
2) a totally tanned body indicates that the person may not be especially reserved, some of us like a person who is a little vulnerable and under exposed.
I am a fan of tan lines, and I couldn't have stated the above any better. Exactly right.