Tue 18 Dec, 2018 05:50 pm
For my entire life, i’ve experienced this strange flash of feeling completely and utterly alone in the world. Sort of detached from the world. It doesn’t feel dissociative at all. The closest feeling I can equate it to is the comedown from ecstasy, and it usually lasts for less than a minute. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or knows what it is.
You don't have to tell me if I'm right or wrong, but I am just guessing that your parents never (or rarely) showed you any physical affection.
Considering the question, I figured any answer was better than none.
Anna- it’s called a “pause” and is nothing to worry about, unless others tell you that you are staring for some time.
You can ask your Dr. about mini seizures.
I honestly had a perfect childhood, my parents did show me affection. But I did talk to my psychiatrist and she said I probably had separation anxiety, which I don’t really understand.
That was just a guess, and I didn't want you to feel alone. Even for a moment.
Just remember that the next time...
If you mean you don't understand why you would have separation anxiety, (if that is what it is), it could be anything. Losing a close family member when you were a child. Childhood friend moving away. Getting lost in a store when you were a child. Even waking up in the middle of the night as a very young child and not knowing where your parents were.