He retires here. But then, he's retired, or tried to retire, from nicknaming pleas before and returned, so there is still hope..
kickycan wrote:HooHaa wrote:umm...
can I have one, too?
Yes. You will now be known as "The Spork"
kirsten wrote:Ok Kicky, if you can improve on Nymphia Scooterpie, go for it!

You're right, I can't improve on that. Nympho Steamypie...that's good.
Child of the Light wrote:Name me "Zeus", and someone less fortunate "Bukkake". They love that stuff.
I'd rather go with something simple for you...how about Captain LittlePecker?
ossobuco wrote:<worried what name kicky will pick for me...>
Why worry, Ladybird Biscotti?
Okay, that's it, Kicky is retiring from the nickname business now. Of course, if someone else would like to take over the duties of nickname bestower, you are welcome to the job.